Colton Crossing

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Colton Crossing

  • Why are the railroads are getting rid of Colton Crossing. Its been there for 130 years and now that the railroads hated the crossing  what gives.

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  • As a rail fan, it is always lame when a railroad changes something like the Colton Crossing.  I live in Oregon, and UP has been trying to shut down the Eugene Yard, which used to switch more cars per day than their larger yard in Hinkle, which never makes any sense to me when I think about it.

    From an operating point of view, if BNSF could make some kind of bridge and elevate their line over the UP line, that is one less bottle neck point for both railroads. 

    Hope fully UP wont do any thing crazy like shut down donner pass in California, Natron cutt off etc.

  • At-grade crossings of railroad tracks are a maintenance nightmare for both railroads and they attempt to get rid of them whenever economically possible.