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  • I think I would take all of them!
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  • Probably Milwaukee Road.
  • I would probably choose the same also, Milwaukee Road.
  • Hands down; the Milwaukee.
  • It has to be Milwaukee Road with their electrified trackage.[:D]
    Also,the Milwaukee route goes through South Dakota, a state I haven't been in yet.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I am one who was fortunate enough to have travelled all three routes. Rode the Empire Builder 1947 version and 1951 version and the later Great Dome version and also Amtraks Empire Builder. Rode the Western Star when it ran separately and again when combined with the Fast Mail. Rode the North Coast Limited before domes and after domes rode the Alaskan and Mainstreeter as well. I rode the Olympian Hiawatha only three times but the electrics made for an interesting trip the train itself never compared with the EB or NCL.The route across Montana was interesting more interesting than either of the other routes.
  • Sadly, I think I screwed up when I routed GN La Crosse to Portland in 1970, because of the superior GN equipment. I only know the other routes from TRAINS and from videos, but, in 1970, I would now choose NP for the vastly superior scenery. My dad rode the Olympian Hi prior to the end, and only commented on the lack of customers, and the cool electric operation.
  • Seems like Milwaukee Road is a award winner[:D].