14 down 1more to go the f40c

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14 down 1more to go the f40c

  • today is 7/26/2004 well there is only f40c running 611 last week 614 went to the dead line so with that said i want to maybe see if and how we can have a trip with two of them if we can it will be nice to ride on both lines before metra sells then who know how much it will cost to have a trip but it will be nice there did it for the bn e8s and there have a trip on the cta with the last run under wires how abou a last run with the f40c
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  • [:(]It's sad to read they're down to only one unit.They were just about the only interesting power Metra had left [:(].RIP.
    Will any be preserved???
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I wish I could have seen them, when should we expect this unit to go?

    NJT's replacing its GP40FH-2's and GP40PH-2's an ugly loco called a PL42AC [xx(][V]NJT doesn't need to qorry about me, those PL42AC's won't ever be in my photo collection.
  • thats the way i am with the new mp36s oi will not ride on them or take and pic of there and the 1st and last time i rode on it the trains was so late becasue it didnt want to get up and go yea thats it so if u ever ride with one dont thing u will be on time
  • Hey, at least Vergara's locomotive isn't a loaf-of-bread electric...

    Seriously, when I was a kid I can remember thinking how incredibly ugly the Amtrak SDP40F's were, and how I would NEVER want to see one run, even when they got old.

    Didn't work out that way.

    Come to think of it, more than a little similarity between an F40C and an SDP40F, visually...

    Was in Naperville over the weekend, but didn't get the chance to see 611 run. I agree that at least one should be preserved. But if some of them are sold and keep on running elsewhere, I'll be almost as happy...

    "Good lord, you guys do know how to take the fun out of something."

    - Ed Kapuscinski, RyPN, 10/9/2014

  • Another one bites the dust. [:(]

    Hope someone keeps at least one around and saves it from the scrapper.
  • R.I.P. F40C......

    Y'know, given the appearance of the locomotives (and cars!) that Vergara's designed, I think it's time he went back to industrial design school and take some classes on designs that are functional and pleasing to the eye. The F40's successor may be functional, but it leaves a lot to be desired in the appearance category. [V]
    As for Vergara's design work for autos, he ruined the looks of the Cadillac, turning it into an unnattractive, expensive box-shaped thing. [xx(]