bridgewater south australia

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bridgewater south australia

  • Just stumbled on to your site and i think its great, I live in Australia in the state of South Australia (Adelaide). My suburb where i live is Bridgwater , 25 minutes drive from the city. I work as a bus driver for a company called Transitplus (formerly TransAdelaide) it is a half owned private / government company.

    Anyway enough about boreing buses, trains are for me, we have a train line out the back of our house. Love those trains roaring past and shakeing the house when the grain train hauls its long load up the hill.

    I am also a member of a local model railway club, we meet every secound and fourth Sunday of the month.

    I have a real interest in railcars, eg Brills, Buds etc.
    Please check out my profile soon , have not done it yet but will by the end of the week
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  • Hi welome to the forum - was in Aus in 1999 , stayed with a buddy in the Adelaide Hills near Mt Lofty station -- enjoyed the GM class locos in the area . Where is Bridgewater in relation to Mt Lofty ?
    2860 Restoration Crew
  • Thankyou for your reply, Bridgewater is about 8 kilometres past Mt Lofty heading away from the city. Still get GMs daily they really work hard coming up the hill. When I figure how to send pictures I will send you some if you like.
  • Welcome to the forums! It's always great to have someone else come on here! There isn't a lot of action in this forum. You should introduce yourself over at the Trains magazine forum, where most of the action is. There's a lot of great people on here and I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
  • Welcome! Im Mike. Its great to have a new member to trains. I also have a intrest in railcars but in the US and Canada.