railroad term question

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railroad term question

  • My father worked for the CMSTP&P RR for 40+ years. He has since past. I am interested in writing a childrens story about the railroad based on my memories of riding passenger cars. Question: what do you call the flooring that moves between the cars --where two passenger cars are connected and you walk between them? One trainman told me "diaphragm" but I can't find that word used on any RR website. Help???
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  • Scarlettj

    The trainman was correct diaphragms are floorings that allow passengers to move from car to car.[:)]Hope this helps!!

  • Additionally, the diaphram is the entire assembly that is pulled across from car to car when they are connected. This would include the walkway and the canvas or leather shroud that goes over the top to keep dust off passengers walking through.
  • thanks for the quick replies!!!!!