yad sdrawkcab s'ti
Larry Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date Come ride the rails with me! There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...
QUOTE: What would be an interesting idea is what steam engines would look like if they were still the predominent mode of power today
QUOTE: Coupled with the knowledge available in water treatment it might be far more economical than we all seem to accept as fact.
QUOTE: By the way electric power is absolutely the most expensive form since converting fuel to steam loses efficiency. converting steam through a generator to make electricity or turning one with an internal combustion engine does even more so steam power would always be the most economical subject to equalizing maintenance and availablity of diesels.
QUOTE: But that isn't the whole cost on Electric engines. First you need the catenary which is now in excess of $1,000,000 per mile for mainline operations plus the generating stations adn the maintenance. There is a reason no one including the PRR or its following owners has extended the electrification. When the whole energy picture was dirt cheap it made sense. It can't and won't be done now.
QUOTE: If traffic density makes overhead catenary economically feasible, then all the issues and costs of electric generation can be sloughed off on the firms that generate electric.