Does anybody else go through this?

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Does anybody else go through this?

  • Last night, I finished reading the February issue of Trains Magazine, and I had a copy of Railfan and Railroad to read, and then I would be all up-to-speed with my railroad reading. Today I go to the railroad museum to volunteer, and lo-and-behold, I come home to another issue of Trains and Classic Trains! I've got reading to do! Does this happen to anyone else?

    I've got to go read,
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  • I've finally come to realize that I just can't read everything that I want to. I thought I might catch up on mags this last time my computer crashed and I couldn't get on line, but alast, it snowed, and snowed, and snowed. And the city kept plowing me in. Does life happen? Probably. Keep TRAINing. FDM
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
  • I find I buy books and magazines faster than I can read them. I once bought a load of over 100 various train magazines for $20. There are many that I haven't even looked at yet. I also buy a lot of books and usually go kind of crazy when it comes to used book stores or cheap sales at book stores. I also have a load of National Geographics dating back to the 70's. I suppose I do buy stuff to read faster than I can read it, but at least when I feel like reading, I have a lot to choose from.
  • I usually zip through a magazine pretty quickly, reading what immediately interests me. I also like to read as I eat, providing plenty of opportunity. Then it sits around for a while (often until the next issue comes out), making for opportunities to pick up on the articles and tidbits I missed or intentionally skipped the first time.

    Then, again, I have pretty much every Trains, MR, RMC, RM, Railfan, etc, etc I ever bought or subscribed to. On occasion I'll pull one out of the archives and look through it. It's amazing what 20 years can mean in the perception of an article.

    Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
    Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you
    My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date
    Come ride the rails with me!
    There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

  • Thank you. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. I guess this is where railfans get their "crazy" label.

    Keep reading,
  • YES! Besides Trains and Railfan....I get a couple of smaller magazines. One concentrates on the Chicago area is First and Finest. It tells you more than you'd ever want to known about the North Shore Line, South Shore , Chicago are street cars and anything else that ran with juice. Another mag I picked up a train museum was CTC Board. They like printing their stories with small type so they don't have to edit. I was in New York recently and picked up a British publication, Railways Illustrated. I'm thinking of subscribing but it's plenty. Check out[:)]
  • I have the oppsite problem. I read Trains within a few days, cover-to-cover. I then end up re-reading it and waiting for the next issue.

    My biggest problem now is the delay in arrival of the next issue. It hit the news stands a whole week before I received it. Why?????
  • I only get one magazine, Model Railroader but I devour every word in it including the ads.