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  • I'm interested in the scheme used (specs) for MU hookup on modern locos. I'm an Electrical type and know next to nothing about the control scheme from the lead unit to subsequent units. Any pubs./schematics available from the builders?
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  • M.U. Hookup Is done by one big wire between loco's It has A round head on each end
    with A 4-6 foot wire they plug into A outlet about middleways of the platform on both ends of loco's.
    for (slave) or midline loco's this is done by sattelite remote control not sure how It works in the old days they would use An engineer And brakeman in the cab of the loco but now Its all done by remote the engineer in the lead knows every move of them
    UP and BNSF use them on coal trains A lot Some times you might see one middle ways of A short train this Is for cars that have A bad hose connection if one is to short they would put A geep or switcher In A cut or where ever It was needed I hope
    I shined some light on the subject for you If not some one will