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jobs of a russian train conductor?

  • hi - I am an Austrian female Student, attending russian classes.
    last lecture our teacher said that train conductors have got some futher task to do than just to check the tickets and serve drinks and food.
    BUT what could that be[?]
    If there is somebody out there helping me with that I would be very [:D]
    many thanks in advance

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  • I road the "Trans Siberian" from Kharbavosk to Irkukst in 1991. The conductor, a lady in her 30 had a berth at the rear of the coach.She had a samovar in the corner of the coach which was coal fired and kept hot to provide tea/coffee for the passengers. She kept the corridors and comparments clean, stood by the door on the platform whne the train was stopped and did not hold her green flag up until all he passengers were back on. Bought coal at one station for the samovar.Wore the appropriate uniform for each duty E.mail me at for more if needed
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by durham367

    I road the "Trans Siberian" from Kharbavosk to Irkukst in 1991. The conductor, a lady in her 30 had a berth at the rear of the coach.She had a samovar in the corner of the coach which was coal fired and kept hot to provide tea/coffee for the passengers. She kept the corridors and comparments clean, stood by the door on the platform whne the train was stopped and did not hold her green flag up until all he passengers were back on. Bought coal at one station for the samovar.Wore the appropriate uniform for each duty E.mail me at for more if needed
  • Hey marli[:)],
    Email me. I rode trains for my most of my life (ok, i might be 16 but i still know a lot) in Russia (i was born there). I can tell you some stuff.