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I'm new, Sorta

  • Well hello. I was formeryly ben610 when I was here almost 2 years ago. I have thought about getting into it again and have deicded to, I will try to be around here some, but no garuntees. I am a bit older now, and would like to get into doing some complicated'er' things. I will be using HO on a VERY small budget using DC and some crummy locos. Anyway,

    Hi2U, don't worry, I don't talk like that,  

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  • Sign - Welcome [#welcome] (back)


    I'm in practically the same boat as you - coming back to the hobby (albeit after about 4 years absence), modelling in HO, and running crummy* locos.

    I'm also learning as I go... DC isn't that bad, if you get a good transformer - the MRC Tech 2 and Tech 4 series are probably "the best" out there. 


    *It's more fun to tinker with them anyway


    Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site

  • Welcome to the forums it's good to have you back! Sign - Welcome [#welcome] I think you'll find the forums fun, I personally like the Trains.Mag forums the best.  Have fun! 

    I am some what of a modeler, in high school I used to model all the time, but I had to stop because I need to concentrate more on my school work, career, and other activities. I modeled HO, I guess you can say that I was a amiture, and still am. I however, over the years have always prefered the 1 to 1 scale.  Big Smile [:D]

    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • I wish there were some lines around my neck of the woods, NONE. Uh thanks, I used to have a tech 2, loveed it, on a break from the hobby something happened to it, and now, for testing locos, and that is it, I use a little tyco transformer, I will need a new one, though I think the tyco may work for now, besides, I haven't even come up with a layout. I am also thinking about going to a different scale. Something either a little bigger or a little smaller, so I can make a bigger layout in a smaller space.
  • well, if you've already got a transformer (albeit "low end"), and HO scale stuff - I'd say stay with HO. 


    Larger - can't fit as much stuff in the same space... only options are S,O, and G scales... they're not cheap, at all.  

    Smaller - N & Z - N is pretty comparable, but you can't really have sound (if/when you move to DCC and sound), and there isn't as much to choose from - not that there's a small amount of things, just not as much overall (roadnames, prototype specific details, etc). Z is crazy small. I mean like a penny is taller than most of the equipment.

    Now, this is assuming that you still have some locos, track, etc for HO.  If not, I'd reccommend playing with a track planning program (I like xtrkcad from ), and see what you can realistically put in the space you have available.  (It's much more expensive to switch scales than start from scratch in them)


    My personal reasons for choosing HO:

    • Had both HO and N at times, N just seemes too small for me - i like the detail of HO
    • I like building things - HO has a vast array of kits, if it's RTR it's probably been made as a kit at some point
    • HO stuff is easier to convert to Sound/DCC (if/when I finally make the plunge)
    • HO is more prevalent than N (just check out the shelves of a LHS)
    • I like to tinker - it's easier with HO
    • I found an HO-scale club by me*

    *OK, that was after I had an el-cheapo HO set (junk LL from the '90s... found it on ebay), but knowing there was an HO club nearby that I could join kinda sealed the deal for me.


    Now, that's not to say N has it's own pros - in the space that I personally have available to me at home (I live @ college most of the year) I could have made a fair sized layout in N scale that would allow continuous running.  But again, I chose HO over N because of my above listed reasons. 



    Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site

  • Sign - Welcome [#welcome]
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  •  On the thottel, I like my MRC 9500 the best, but at $80.00 maybe out of your range. I have had good luck with a MRC 2500, on E-Bay they go for around $30.00.

     As far as staying with cheap trains, I am the King Of Cheap. I have only bought 4 of my 37 engines new. Most are older Athearn that I bought off E-bay. Hard to go wrong with them, still can get most of the hard parts to repair the ones that don't work. Guessing right around $25.00 shipping as a average cost.

     I have bought more rolling stock new than anything, LHS has the Athearn's blue boxes kits for around $6.85, but I have plenty of the cheap tyco and life like as well. With some tinkering I have got the cheap stuff to run like my Atherans.

     You don't have to spend a ton of money to have fun with this hobby.


                       Cuda Ken 

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