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Private Varnish

  • Anyone on here own their own passenger car?

    Can you tell us about it?



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  • OK, how about anybody here ever ride or charter a PV?


  • I had the pleasure of being on board and dinning on Southern business car #5. Does that count. It was a "porch" type heavyweight observation. My cousin and her new husband spent their wedding night aboard. His family knew the president of the SR and this was his wedding present to the newlyweds.
  •  rrandb wrote:
    I had the pleasure of being on board and dinning on Southern business car #5. Does that count. It was a "porch" type heavyweight observation. My cousin and her new husband spent their wedding night aboard. His family knew the president of the SR and this was his wedding present to the newlyweds.

    That counts. Nice gift.


  • Here's one site I found...



  • One more good one.



  • There is some Varnish that goes thru holding onto Amtrack's coat tails once in a while. I am never in range with a camera when they do.

    The only Varnish I have experience with is at Strasburg and that dont count here, I doubt the private car they had 30 years ago is still there on show.

  • I had the privilege of a visit in the "Clover Colony" a former PRR 10-6 faithfully restored, but with a modest lounge where two of the bedrooms had been. Also in the nice, but catagory the "Hickory Creek" of 20 th Century limited fame. When I was in it it was a working office on the road for Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. (lucky for me, I didn't get the job I interviewed for there!) It looks a lot-no A LOT better on the outside now.
  •  PBenham wrote:
    I had the privilege of a visit in the "Clover Colony" a former PRR 10-6 faithfully restored, but with a modest lounge where two of the bedrooms had been. Also in the nice, but catagory the "Hickory Creek" of 20 th Century limited fame. When I was in it it was a working office on the road for Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. (lucky for me, I didn't get the job I interviewed for there!) It looks a lot-no A LOT better on the outside now.

    You worked for the circus?
