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Your Opinion Please

  • As I mentioned in a previous post, my oldest boy was killed along with a lot of other marines in Beirut in 1983. I have taken photos of where he lies in Arlington. I do not think it would be disrespectful to the dead to take pictures in a cemetery. Maybe it should not be a place of sadness but a place of remembrance.
  • As I mentioned in a previous post, my oldest boy was killed along with a lot of other marines in Beirut in 1983. I have taken photos of where he lies in Arlington. I do not think it would be disrespectful to the dead to take pictures in a cemetery. Maybe it should not be a place of sadness but a place of remembrance.
  • I don't see anything wrong with taking a picture of a relative's grave as a momento.

    Come to think of it my sister gave me one of my Aunt Eva's grave in Mississippi.

  • I don't see anything wrong with taking a picture of a relative's grave as a momento.

    Come to think of it my sister gave me one of my Aunt Eva's grave in Mississippi.

  • QUOTE: I do not think it would be disrespectful to the dead to take pictures in a cemetery. Maybe it should not be a place of sadness but a place of remembrance.

    I completely agree.

    I think the situation in LA has to do with the excessive number of tourists, paparazzi, and perhaps smalltime photographers and movie producers using the cemeteries as sets without permission, and also for inappropriate behavior.

    But my point is that most cemeteries are private property, and those responsible for their care do have a right to decide who is welcome and under what circumstances.

    QUOTE: As I mentioned in a previous post, my oldest boy was killed along with a lot of other marines in Beirut in 1983. I have taken photos of where he lies in Arlington.

    Please accept my condolences, and gratitude for your son's service to our country. May he and his comrades rest in peace.


  • QUOTE: I do not think it would be disrespectful to the dead to take pictures in a cemetery. Maybe it should not be a place of sadness but a place of remembrance.

    I completely agree.

    I think the situation in LA has to do with the excessive number of tourists, paparazzi, and perhaps smalltime photographers and movie producers using the cemeteries as sets without permission, and also for inappropriate behavior.

    But my point is that most cemeteries are private property, and those responsible for their care do have a right to decide who is welcome and under what circumstances.

    QUOTE: As I mentioned in a previous post, my oldest boy was killed along with a lot of other marines in Beirut in 1983. I have taken photos of where he lies in Arlington.

    Please accept my condolences, and gratitude for your son's service to our country. May he and his comrades rest in peace.


  • Thank you Dan. Now I'm scared silly for my middle son is in the army and at present is stationed at the Pentagon. His hitch there is up in May and from there, it almost certainly Iraq. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him too.
  • Thank you Dan. Now I'm scared silly for my middle son is in the army and at present is stationed at the Pentagon. His hitch there is up in May and from there, it almost certainly Iraq. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him too.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Scottydog

    Thank you Dan. Now I'm scared silly for my middle son is in the army and at present is stationed at the Pentagon. His hitch there is up in May and from there, it almost certainly Iraq. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him too.

    We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. The do not have a say in where they go, and most certainly don't want to be over there.

    I am sorry to hear about your first son. I too appreciate his service to our country.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Scottydog

    Thank you Dan. Now I'm scared silly for my middle son is in the army and at present is stationed at the Pentagon. His hitch there is up in May and from there, it almost certainly Iraq. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him too.

    We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. The do not have a say in where they go, and most certainly don't want to be over there.

    I am sorry to hear about your first son. I too appreciate his service to our country.
  • I think "respecting the dead" is more a matter of respecting the living, and respecting our Creator. During a church service one time, I used our church's Alter to step up onto a shed-sized church we built at VBS(Vacation Bible School) so I could get on the roof of it to set the cross during the program. Was I being disrespectful? Should I have used the Alter that way for the expedience of the program? This has caused some debate. Not a lot, but some. Would I use the Alter to take a picture at a friend's wedding for them. NO. Would I use a gravestone as a step into a tree to take a picture of a train? Probably. Would I stand on a gravestone to take a picture? NO. Shades of black and white, where do we draw the lines?
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
  • I think "respecting the dead" is more a matter of respecting the living, and respecting our Creator. During a church service one time, I used our church's Alter to step up onto a shed-sized church we built at VBS(Vacation Bible School) so I could get on the roof of it to set the cross during the program. Was I being disrespectful? Should I have used the Alter that way for the expedience of the program? This has caused some debate. Not a lot, but some. Would I use the Alter to take a picture at a friend's wedding for them. NO. Would I use a gravestone as a step into a tree to take a picture of a train? Probably. Would I stand on a gravestone to take a picture? NO. Shades of black and white, where do we draw the lines?
    FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
  • Thanks Jim. It is nice to know that you have friends, even we have not actually met, who will say an extra prayer for your children. I appreciate it so much. Thank all of you very much.
  • Thanks Jim. It is nice to know that you have friends, even we have not actually met, who will say an extra prayer for your children. I appreciate it so much. Thank all of you very much.
  • Personally, I don't see anything wrong if someone wants to take pictures of a train
    passing by a cemetery. So what if the headstones are in the picture? Someone
    in the family, in later years who's researching their family history, might be very
    thrilled to see one of their ancestors in a rail picture.

    Paula G., wife of Locomutt

    Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!