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What does Avatar stand for?

  • Blush [:I]Shy [8)]I  guess the subject says it all.  I don't know what it means. Confused [%-)] I guess I could "research" it or read all the info about the new set up, but that would not be as easy as asking you all.  .  Thanks for any "kind" or "kind of" answers. 


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    Very interesting....

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • In this context, it is a picture that is supposed to represent you or something about you.  It could be a favorite pet, engine, quote, and so forth.  In my case, I am using the logo for the Ma&Pa, a favorite railroad.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • Well mine shows it all!! It of course is a DRGW unit!! :D 
  • Not sure about the true meaning or derivation, but I ran into it first in gaming. For gamers, it means their online persona or character role they are playing in the game. Many of course are evil and superpowered.
  • This is just a test of a avatar so please ignore this reply...

    Enjoy the hobby Perry
  • Walter,

    This word had me stumped too.  I looked it up in my dictionary, which I admit is a bit old fashioned.  This is the meaning it gave:

    (In Hindu mythology) descent of a diety etc. to earth in bodily form. [Sanskrit, = descent]

    I had already put this on another forum in Model Railroading, but give it another airing here.Cool [8D]