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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 53: June 19, 2006

  • The latest installment of Trackside with Erik and Mike is now live within the Railroading section on the home page. Please read this week's column first then vote for your favorite photo below.

    Read Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 53 here.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • You've done it again, time for my Vermont quarter to settle this one. The IC SD40 shot wins, since the BNSF prairie sunset is well...too western. The toss was per NFL rules (called prior to going up) Sorry Bergie.
  • I had to go with Mikes. Eriks shot is amazing, but Mikes shot is one of those that you just love. WIlderness, a nice slightly elevated curve. Sadly, Eriks is much more common, as you can get those kind of shots anytime your out west.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • You got to love the sun set!!!!! That brings out the shine on the trains!! Get it...shine...

    I loved Erik's photo. that grabbed my attention right away!! I do like Mike's photo alot but it doesn't have the charm as the sunset in the back ground.

    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
  • This was an easy one. Mike's might have gotten my vote in a different competition, but for this installment I voted for Erik's. It's just such an amazingly beautiful shot! My compliments, Erik! This is one of my favourite photos that has ever been featured. I could look at it for hours. You should sell prints of it. I love night photos and sunset photos and this a fine example of what makes such shots breathtaking. The only thing that could have possibly made it better is if the engines were steam.
  • Erik's photo, absolutely. Mike's photo is great, good spot, good composition, but the lighting just isn't as good.
    Alec voted against it because it's easy to get and common, but I say that a diamond in a jewellery store's beauty is not diminished just because it is surrounded by more of the same. It's a great shot, and it stays that way.

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • Going to go with Mike's photo. Something about it just really jumps out at me.

    Go Huskies. Forward Together Forward

    Fan of - C&NW - Milwaukee Road - CGW -

  • I gotta go with Erik's shot. Mike what a good sport you are to not sucumb to your feeling to just pass on this week's competition. After all you would have cheated all of us fans out of a chance to view your handiwork too. As far as photos go.... I would have voted for Mike's photo a lot of times, but this week the competition was tough. Tthere was just too much to love about Erik's shot. The sunset, two trains, the glint of the rails etc.... My son always say's that if you can get a signal in the shot it's a big bonus..... As far as anyone saying that it's "too western" or that this kind of shot is easy to get out here in Nebraska is mistaken. The weather, the haze from dust in the air, and the timing all have a significant impact on what a person is able to shoot. Anyone who lives around here will tell you that conditions can change anytime.

    It's all a matter of personal preferance, but I love a shot like this over anything that involves urban scenery or has an industrial back anytime.
  • Unfortunately I have to admit that the far-more-artistic sunset shot blows away the more technical study of modern motive power at work. However, I must also add that it's not really a fair comparison since Erik is using a shot from a previous shoot vs Mikes more recent shot (at least, I think it is.)

    To maintain the fairness of this competiton, I think these shots should be taken in the same time period. Since this is a weekly article, then only pictures taken during the same week should be considered. This should give not only a more level playing field, but also force the photographers to use a little imagination and planning for their shots if they want to try and match Erik's well-thought-out sunset.

    Photography, after all, is not just the tools and gadgets, it's also the eye behind the lens, analyzing and composing the scene. The greatest photographers in the world throw away most of thier photos while trying for that perfect shot while the rankest amateur can get lucky and snap the shot that wins by being in the right place at the right time with no planning at all.
  • Erik was in the right place at the right time, beautiful photo, should be on a calendar next year. Actually, I liked Mike's too, 'specially the arms of the old telephone (power) pole sticking out of the brush. It does look like the loco is struggling. I think the thingy on top is a rooftop carrier, carrying their lawn chairs. Larry in Blaine WA.
  • Well sorry, Mike...looks like another blow-out. Bergie's pix got my attention right away. I guess I can call it a mood thing. My day hasn't exactly been the greatest at work here so when I saw that pix right away it soothed my soul. But, aside from that, everything else was great. keep up the great work guys. I think as much time you two give up for your jobs outside the office, you should ask your bosses for a raise (Oops, I didn't say that did I?).
  • Sorry Mike, your photo was good but the setting sun got me.
    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • While Erik's shot is definitely calendar art material, Mike's says "railroad." I love the slack wires and glass insulators beaming in the shot plus you can see two crew members through the glass. And I know its more about photography and less about subject but I've always had a soft spot for ore cars. If you have any more shots of the train -- especially showing the loads -- feel free to post them too.
  • LVJJJ got it right... my first thought when I clicked on Erik's sunset shot was how it would make an eye-catching calendar cover shot. Mike, don't despair. I can't believe how many times you photograph your local CN and catch locomotives still in "fallen flag" paint, like this week's IC SD-40. Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to downloading the "Trackside with Erik and Mike" 2007 calendar online order form!
  • My vote goes to Erik, that sunset shot really gets your attention! Keep up the GREAT work. (Don't think I'll make it to Galesburg Railroad Days this year, I have to get the motorcar ready (new seats installed) for the Chillicothe Corn Fest in July!).
    Everyone stay safe! Jim