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Idiot Drivers Vs. Trains

  • Hello. Well today I was surfing and I found that there were alot of pics of idiot drivers getting hit, or getting very close to being hit. Here they are:

    You would think that these people would realize that a train is alot bigger and heavier than a car, and wait it out rather than try to beat it.

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  • As it has been said before, idiots and trains just don't mix.
  • Wherever it is they're trying to go clearly can't be delayed another 5 minutes waiting for the "stupid train" to cross. [}:)]
  • The best solution is to eliminate as many grade crossings as necessary. This is the only sure fire method I know, but it is expensive! But, what price do you put on a human life, even one of an idiot?
  • Years ago,my Mom worked in a factory that backed up to the N/W line of Chicago's now Metra line. She would come home to me during those years and report of yet another either near miss of Commuter V/S Car , or Train pushing car down the track. At the very same intersection close to the now defunct factory, (now some other business) I have seen many times the same scenario played out, like whenever I return home for a visit. It's like don't they know how fast these short consists travel?(especially the middle track of a 3 track line, express train during rush hour ?!? [:O] A few years ago just before returning to my home in what feels like a desert, from Chi Town, I braved the rain to watch an hours worth of Metra's during rush hour. Wow! whether walking over, or driving in that same neighborhood near that old factory, you would never find me rushing the tracks! [2c]
  • An idiot's life is not worth much, certainly not worth all the trouble to find a different route for them that doesn't have trains. Besides, they're the kind of people who, if you save from getting hit by a train, will just run out into traffic to get across the street rather than waiting for the "stupid cars" to quit going by. They'll wipe themselves out one way or another.
  • If all warning devices are functioning, I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for anyone stupid enough to wreck with a train. It is just unfortunate that drunks, reckless drivers and people who try to beat out trains affect the lives of others because of their driving.
  • they do mix it just results with a boom........It's sad how many stupid people are out there....the North Shore Senic R.R. has had problem with drivers running with FUNCTIONAL CROSSING LITES gess they think they can win .......but they cant...
  • i stop at railroad crossings even if there appears to be no train coming. i never want to miss a single train. of course the guy behind me usually gets annoyed because i stop, look, and listen. once i actually luked out when the gates came down right after i stopped. though it was just UP 1063 and LLPX 2253 (2 switcher geeps in Altoona) pulling a short line of cars into altoona. it was still a train though. doesnt it usually take an 80 car freight train going at 50 mph about 5 minutes to go through a crossing? what's 5 minutes going to do to you? 5 minutes of your time is a whole lot better than dying. especially if the train is a metra passenger train, that wont even take ONE minute!

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • and theres idiots who want to play with big trucks as well. i know this cause i got 5 years otr under my belt. i can be in the middle of nowhere and people wanna pass a truck to take the very next exit at less than 200 ft. gee couldnt they have waited a couple of minutes????

  • Yep, it seems that they don't value their life as much as being in a hurry to get nowhere. I don't understand those people, Operation Lifesaver is doing a good job to educate people about the effects of idiocy.

    This is your brain on idiocy, what's the rush?
    TMC (CNR Mixed train GMD1 1063 with combine coach) (Remember always at Railway X-ing's, (Stop, Look and Listen!)
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by chinatown782411

    As it has been said before, idiots and trains just don't mix.

    Very true!
    Matt Cool Espee Forever! Modeling the Modoc Northern Railroad in HO scale Brakeman/Conductor/Fireman on the Yreka Western Railroad Member of Rouge Valley Model RR Club
  • Even here in Germany, where trains go at considerably higher speeds idiots never will die out! Best is, when another idiot car was hit by a train, papers would write like"TRAIN HITS CAR" or similar nonsense, implicating that the train is to be blamed - now, what else could the train do - get off track?
    People generally forget, or simply don´t know that trains need a much longer way to brake down, a train going at 60 miles an hour needs a braking way of at least 700m, an ICE train going at 150 mph needs more than one mile(though there aren´t level crossings on high speed lines)...
  • Been there...done that....Almost lost a foot one day riding point on a shove move. We were only doing 10 mph or less when a Gentlman in a brand new Chrysler blew around the grades at a crossing. Punched the coupler right through the passenger side window. When we finally got stopped, he was wedged between the knuckle and the drivers side door!!!
    Fortunately he walked away with only a bruise on his upper right arm.

    Sad part was....He was driving right along side of us as we were shoving back down that track and he never looked up once and noticed us there. His mind was on other things and not his driving.

    Some of you may have already seen this one but I thought you folks would love this one.....It's a link to a video about a semi truck getting hit last year in Oxnard, California. Enjoy!! I did, but only because no one get seriously hurt.


  • I have been on a train that killed someone who drove in front of us. Some people just don't realize it's not worth the risk for the few seconds you will save.