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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 52: June 5, 2006

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by shawnbecher

    I guess I'm starting to like shortline and branch railroading better than mainline railroading. Mike's night shot really took the cake. I really liked Erik's last shot though - too bad he didn't capture the whole train in that shot or that would have been really neat.

    [#ditto] Shawn said it so well, I just decided to use his post...

    That, and, Mike told me to vote for him! [}:)]
  • Mike by a long shot for mine. Nothing wrong with Erik's, I just liked Mike's better.

    At this stage I am in the minority, but don't worry Mike if the crowd do not recognise genius. After all it is Bergie's forum so they want to please him. Think of it that way.

  • Mike's night shot was nice. I wonder how cool it would have been if he would have used a rear curtain fla***o capture the color and detail of the train without washing out the effect of the timed exposure.

    Erik, you the man! The way you got right on the main line and captured the northbound and southbound at the same time and used the wide angle to show the others in the yard on a siding... Were those Norfolk Southerns? Oh, I guess those were the cows... sorry.

    Actually I think your album was much better than Mike's even if you couldn't get the whole train in the frame. But getting an entire Powder River coal train in one frame would be a miracle! The scenery was a nice break from the Wisconsin shots. The colors and new logo for BNSF are spectacular, and a big step up from the old yellow on orange lettering and logo. Awesome angles too Erik! You captured what those massive coal trains have to deal with every day.
    The Rock Island Line is a mighty fine line...
  • It is hard enough voting for a single photo, let alone four.


  • Even though Mike has a WC Unit, I had to go with Erik, I'm in love with those BNSF ACe's!
  • I liked Mike's better especially the night shot, The scenery on Eric's was good but could have been better used .
  • WOW!!! artistcally BOTH albums are outstanding!! I just felt I had to go with the sweeping panorama of the BNSF shots. The night shot of the consist awaiting a fresh crew was also superb, but the overall album of the BNSF shots! I like this format you've come up with, and your photo's have given me some ideas for shots!
  • DRAW!!! Both are great shots and cannot vote for either one with a clear guys are not making it easy are you?
  • Had to go with Mike's. With all due respect to the quality of Erik's images, it's a lot easier to get good photos when the scenery is so nice and the trains are so frequent.

    Mike had to work harder to just find the trains, not to mention finding a decent spot to photograph once he found them.

       23 17 46 11

  • Great work from both gentlemen as always, I voted for Erik. Each time I enlarged one of his photos, I was just "grabbed" as the saying goes. I grew up along the
    CB&Q 700 years ago, so there may be some "blood" tie to BNSF, or maybe the cows.?!? Good stuff, keep it coming.
  • Tough decision this week. I liked Mike's night shot and Erik's seemed pretty dull scenery-wise, but eventually I chose Erik's album because of the trains in the shots - his "silver snake," and the head-on of the SD70ACe. And I loved the train descending the hill in the final shot.
  • Erik gets my vote. The shots he took were crisp while Mike's were too soft focused for me.

    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • All pictures are excellent & it was hard to decide but I sure do like those trains out in the wide open spaces best! I was wondering at this point if you Erik or Mike have ever considered taking pictures while taking a hot air ballon ride?[(-D] Hey by the way today is my birthday!!! Have a great day!!![bday]
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by fuzzybroken

    QUOTE: Originally posted by shawnbecher

    I guess I'm starting to like shortline and branch railroading better than mainline railroading. Mike's night shot really took the cake. I really liked Erik's last shot though - too bad he didn't capture the whole train in that shot or that would have been really neat.

    [#ditto] Shawn said it so well, I just decided to use his post...

    That, and, Mike told me to vote for him! [}:)]

    First, to capture that entire curve you'd probably need a fish-eye lens, a piece of equipment I don't own (yet [:o)]).

    Second, you listened to Mike? Come on, you're better than that! [:D]

    Erik Bergstrom
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dalemuir

    Erik's photos tell a story. Mike's do not.

    I must be dense. a college degree and 56 years of photographic experience and I don't see any specific story in erik's pictures. In rail fan photography, THE TRAIN is the story.

    the ancient chinese philosopher Kung-Fu-Tze (a/k/a Confucious) allegedly said "a picture is worth a thousand words". Erik's pictures don't appear any more verbose than Mike's. In fact, Erik's pictures are becoming predictable. If you see a head-on shot of a locomotive with a lack of depth of fteld (attributable to a long focal length lens) chances are 99 out of 100 its Erik's.

    Erik and Mike are both accomplished photographers who are playing with cameras that most of us can't afford. maybe its time to stop the competition and let them utilize their talents to teach us other folk how to do it.