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Hi from Vancouver Canada

  • hi,

    my name is Sez1.

    I live in Vancouver, Canada. For you yankees who never heard of Canada, we're just above new york and instead of a jerk for a president, we have a Geek for a prime minister.

    just kidding! ha-ha!! [:D]

    anyway, i'm seriously into train architecture, and also into train graffiti pictures.

    If anyone wants to swap flicks with me or has any good pieces to share, please let me know.

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  • You're gunna get flamed. Better put on your suit now.

    10000 feet and no dynamics? Today is going to be a good day ... 

  • "Flamed" ...?

    Ok. Let me be real clear about a couple of things. I made comments about the leaders of our 2 countries. There's enough ammunition on both sides of that camp to lead us into WW3 with that crap. We don't need to go there. Suffice it to say that "what goes around comes around". I'm not here to espouse politics.

    I joined this train forum a bit naive, and purely on an impulse. If you all happen to be redneck conservative teenagers who are simply into your latest bubble-gum model trains dialogues, in between your visits to church and baseball games, then I'm outa here.

    If any of you appreciate art or creativity and like to look at the world thru your own eyes, rather than following the rules of "daddy" or "the boy scouts" ... esp if any are into creative photography or train graffiti , then we're cookin' with gas.

    "Flames" are a waste of your life energy. There's too many "flames" burning in the world as it is. "Flames" are for little boys with cigarette lighters who are too young to smoke.

    The rest of us are into living real lives.

    Make sense?