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What is YOUR favorite locomotive manufacturer?

  • I have to agree with you on the SD-40-2 they are the best but I have to give GE there attaboy too. I am a engineer on CSX and was called to take 125 cars (12000 tons) from Detroit to Toledo with a single AC4400. That beast screamed the whole way and slipped every now and then but got the job done (and me home).
    QUOTE: Originally posted by jerzyjak

    As A former Conrail Locomotive Engineer I think the Best Locomotives of all times were the EMD gp40-2 or the EMD sd40-2 they did everything well I think 3000 HP units are the best as far as building blocks to power trains lets say you have 4 3000 hp Locomotives on a Train 12000 hp total and an Engine fails on route well you still have 3/4 of the power that you needed to get the train over the road, Now lets up the ante to 4000hp locomotives now you just need 3 Locomotives to make the 12000hp and say you one unit dies on you well now you have 2/3 of what you need and if you are on hilly terrain you might be in real trouble now lets go to the new modern 6000 hp units where you need just 2 locomotives to make 12000 hp and now lets say 1 unit goes down you are now running with 1/2 the power you need you can be up the creek with out a more hp is not always the best way to go also with 4 3000 hp 6 axle Locomotives you have the 12000 hp div in to 48 wheels that is 250 hp per wheel on a 12000 hp train with 2 6000 hp units 1t would be 12000 div. by 24 wheels or 500 hp per wheel so with the lower hp units with power divided to more wheel you would have much more tractive effort.
    Highball....Train looks good device in place!!
  • GE is my favorite, primarily because I had seen a lot of GE products on any Class 1 railroad, such as NS or CN. But I also really like ALCOs, they are really neat to look and watch at.
  • GE is my favorite, primarily because I had seen a lot of GE products on any Class 1 railroad, such as NS or CN. But I also really like ALCOs, they are really neat to look and watch at.
  • I didn't see my favorites in here...
    Kato, Atlas, Stewart, Proto...
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • I didn't see my favorites in here...
    Kato, Atlas, Stewart, Proto...
    "Paul [Kossart] - The CB&Q Guy" [In Illinois] ~ Modeling the CB&Q and its fictional 'Illiniwek River-Subdivision-Branch Line' in the 1960's. ~
  • General Electric all the way baby!! Love the chug of a pre 1980's c-boat. Love the sound of that FDL hard at work. Whenever I see a GE locomotive rolling down the rails I stand in.........AWE[:0]
  • General Electric all the way baby!! Love the chug of a pre 1980's c-boat. Love the sound of that FDL hard at work. Whenever I see a GE locomotive rolling down the rails I stand in.........AWE[:0]
  • The first train I rode was pulled by an A-B-A set of PAs.I was only 9 years old,but fortunately, my grandfather took movies out the window[8D].
    This was in 1961 on the San Joaquin Daylight [:)].
    I am also a fan of the FM TrainMaster[:D].
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • The first train I rode was pulled by an A-B-A set of PAs.I was only 9 years old,but fortunately, my grandfather took movies out the window[8D].
    This was in 1961 on the San Joaquin Daylight [:)].
    I am also a fan of the FM TrainMaster[:D].
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • EMD is my favorite locomotive manfacturer. I love the old E7 & E8's and the GP7's
  • EMD is my favorite locomotive manfacturer. I love the old E7 & E8's and the GP7's
  • general electric who doesnt like the Dash -9?
  • general electric who doesnt like the Dash -9?
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    The first train I rode was pulled by an A-B-A set of PAs.I was only 9 years old,but fortunately, my grandfather took movies out the window[8D].
    This was in 1961 on the San Joaquin Daylight [:)].
    I am also a fan of the FM TrainMaster[:D].
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    The first train I rode was pulled by an A-B-A set of PAs.I was only 9 years old,but fortunately, my grandfather took movies out the window[8D].
    This was in 1961 on the San Joaquin Daylight [:)].
    I am also a fan of the FM TrainMaster[:D].