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Help me with diesel trains(locomotives)----Forgive me please.

  • How come i cannot go on my other account i put in the pass but it still doesnt work![:I]

    I apologize for what I have done and I assure you that I will not do so again.

    Can i have my other account unlocked it was so hard to get 39 posts that would be appreciated.
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  • Did you get locked out or taken out of the site?
    First how many posts did you have on your other account?

    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
  • What was the name of your other account?

    Oh, I see who you were. Expect this account to be locked as well. It's againt the forum rules to come back to the forum once you've been banned.
  • But i didnt know we werent allowed to have multiple Topics And my other accounts name was Revengeome please unlock it i wont ever create multiple forums again. I had 39 posts by the way please please please!
  • None of us have the power to restore you. You need to go to the member list, find "Bergie", and send an email to him. That will get you a lot further than posting your plea here.
    B-Dubya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside every GE is an Alco trying to get out...apparently, through the exhaust stack!
  • IT IS NOT THE AMOUNT OF POSTS YOU HAVE, IT IS THE QUALITY OF THEM!! Dont bother Mr.Bergstrom, just try to contribute on this one. I would also try writing him a letter and apologizing, if you are for real.
    Also, they are called threads/topics, and you surely can make more than one, but not on the EXACT same thing.

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • Fill in your profile also, you will be better respected.

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • farraris: I have the diesel engine explanation for you under the teen railfans. Read it and see what you think. It might be under page 81.

    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
  • I did i thank you alot James and by the way I will appoligize im going to send it right now and work on this account from now on.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by coborn35


    Couldn't have said it better myself. I'd recommend you stick with this new username and make a fresh start. You annoyed so many people with your last username that you'd probably never be able to win over the respect of the other members. If you're serious about being a member here, sit back and absorb what's going on around here. Don't just start posting a bunch or useless dribble simply for the sake of getting a higher post count. Doing so will annoy the other members, as you've already learned. Plus, your post count really doesn't earn you anything. Being a resourceful contributor to other members will be far more important than the number of posts you have. There are plenty of people with one star or less that make more valuable contributions than those with four or five stars. It's all about quality. (Plus, the stars are going away later this summer.)

    Have a great weekend, everyone.

    Erik Bergstrom