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Redneck, Out!

  • When I first joined, this place was my usual hangout. But now with my own forum to run, I am never here to post. This is why I say that you will be seeing even less of me now. Anyone that knows me here and is on good terms with me can catch up with me on
    Well for the last time for a good long while,
    Redneck, out!
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  • Try asking a couple of questions and you will like it more.
  • I just visited. Looks like it could be very interesting. With red type on a gray background, though, I find it very hard on my eyes to read. The color of the letters clashes with the background. But it's your site.

    My $0.02.
    "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They are not entitled, however, to their own facts." No we can't. Charter Member J-CASS (Jaded Cynical Ascerbic Sarcastic Skeptics) Notary Sojac & Retired Foo Fighter "Where there's foo, there's fire."