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E-mail newsletters

  • Do you currently receive any of the four e-mail newsletters? Vote then share your comments below.

    If you voted I used to...

    We'd suggest you try them again soon. We've formatted our content over the past few months and you might like the changes. To sign up for any of the four newsletters, update your profile by clicking here:

    If you voted No - I didn't realize you offered newsletters...

    Read more about our FREE e-mail newletters by clicking here:
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • Do you currently receive any of the four e-mail newsletters? Vote then share your comments below.

    If you voted I used to...

    We'd suggest you try them again soon. We've formatted our content over the past few months and you might like the changes. To sign up for any of the four newsletters, update your profile by clicking here:

    If you voted No - I didn't realize you offered newsletters...

    Read more about our FREE e-mail newletters by clicking here:
    Erik Bergstrom
  • bergie, wouldn't it be easier to combine 4 into 1 and we would just read what we were interested in???????
  • bergie, wouldn't it be easier to combine 4 into 1 and we would just read what we were interested in???????
  • Yeah, what derailed1999 said.
  • Yeah, what derailed1999 said.
  • Thanks for the feedback Marty. There are a couple of problems with offering only one e-mail as opposed to the four we currently offer (scale model trains, railroading, toy trains, garden railroading).

    First, the Model Railroader-driven scale model trains e-mail and the TRAINS-driven railroading e-mail each come out weekly, while the Classic Toy Trains-driven toy trains e-mail and the Garden Railways-driven garden railroading e-mail only come out monthly.

    The second problem - based on my 10 years of experience at Kalmbach - is that a majority of railfans and/or scale modelers won't want to see (for example) the latest Walt Disney box car release from Lionel. While you might be willing to read only what interested you, unfortunately, some people only want to see what's of interest to them. I guess it's the same reason we have the four separate rail-related magazines (five counting Classic Trains) instead of just one.

    Again, thanks for the feedback. I always want to know what you - the end user - thinks about the site and the services we offer. We try to cater to your needs as much as possible.

    Erik (Bergie)
    Erik Bergstrom
  • Thanks for the feedback Marty. There are a couple of problems with offering only one e-mail as opposed to the four we currently offer (scale model trains, railroading, toy trains, garden railroading).

    First, the Model Railroader-driven scale model trains e-mail and the TRAINS-driven railroading e-mail each come out weekly, while the Classic Toy Trains-driven toy trains e-mail and the Garden Railways-driven garden railroading e-mail only come out monthly.

    The second problem - based on my 10 years of experience at Kalmbach - is that a majority of railfans and/or scale modelers won't want to see (for example) the latest Walt Disney box car release from Lionel. While you might be willing to read only what interested you, unfortunately, some people only want to see what's of interest to them. I guess it's the same reason we have the four separate rail-related magazines (five counting Classic Trains) instead of just one.

    Again, thanks for the feedback. I always want to know what you - the end user - thinks about the site and the services we offer. We try to cater to your needs as much as possible.

    Erik (Bergie)
    Erik Bergstrom
  • keep up the great job keep sending the e.mails keeps me busy at work
  • keep up the great job keep sending the e.mails keeps me busy at work
  • I forgot about the newsletters, so I never signed up for any. But now I'm signed up.
  • I forgot about the newsletters, so I never signed up for any. But now I'm signed up.
  • I can't remember what was in the newsletters, so I'll have another look. About the separate newsletters-I think it IS a good idea. Although I'd like to know more about Classic Trains and Model Trains and such, I have no experience with either, and at this point in time, it's useless for me to receive the extra info. I wouldn't be able to relate to Classic Trains for example, as would most grandfathers and such since they're way before my time. I mostly wouldn't have a clue what anybody would be talking about. Just my 2 cents.
  • I can't remember what was in the newsletters, so I'll have another look. About the separate newsletters-I think it IS a good idea. Although I'd like to know more about Classic Trains and Model Trains and such, I have no experience with either, and at this point in time, it's useless for me to receive the extra info. I wouldn't be able to relate to Classic Trains for example, as would most grandfathers and such since they're way before my time. I mostly wouldn't have a clue what anybody would be talking about. Just my 2 cents.
  • IF there were to be a vote on the subject of separate or combined newsletters, I would vote to keep them separate (I said IF). I am only interested in railroading and am not at all interested in model railaroading or toy trains, so wouldn't care to have to sort htrough all of that to find what I am interested in. Overall, I am very happy with the newsletters, they keep me well-informed and up to date on news.