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Need help with layout

  • My son has decided he wants to set up my old 027 Lionel train on a ten foot circle. Unfortunetly he has already made the circle.
    My question: how do I figure out what curves I'll need, how many and where in the world will I find them.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
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  • Welcome aboard! Post your thread under the Classic Toy Trains forum and you will gets lots of help. When you post over there you might want to elaborate a little on your situation -- what does"already made the circle" mean; do you want an oval with straight sections or a continuous circle of track, etc.? I would suggest that you use something from Lionel called Fastrack. The track snaps together for easy assembly and comes in several curve radii. Wiring for operation is very straightforward as well. Since your profile doesn't list a geographic area, I can't recommend train stores for you, but I would strongly suggest that you go to a train store that sells Lionel and tell them what you would like to do. They'll get you set up with the correct track , power supply, etc.
    and help you get started.

    Since I assume that it's been some time since your "old" loco has been operated, yoiu should clean off the rollers using a Q-tip and track cleaning fluid (the train store should have that) and lube the motor gears (the train store should also have the lubricating oil).

    At that point, with the Fastrack, power supply, and your prepared loco, you should be ready to go.
