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Article about person who bought a caboose and...

  • I remember one time I visited the site there was an article about a fellow who had bought a real caboose and went through this big ordeal to transport it back to his house. I still remember the picture of the caboose on the flatbed (or something like that) being hauled through town. I don't remember a lot of the details, but it was kind of funny.

    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find that article.
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  • I remember one time I visited the site there was an article about a fellow who had bought a real caboose and went through this big ordeal to transport it back to his house. I still remember the picture of the caboose on the flatbed (or something like that) being hauled through town. I don't remember a lot of the details, but it was kind of funny.

    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find that article.
  • I think i read that article,or one simular to it in Readers Digest a few years ago.I cant remember how long ago it was.
  • I think i read that article,or one simular to it in Readers Digest a few years ago.I cant remember how long ago it was.
  • I recently read on the internet about a draw with an SP bay window caboose as the prize! Tickets were $75 each and whoever won the caboose would get enough track for it to sit on, plus have it transported to wherever they wanted it for free providing they were within 150 miles of St. Louis. I bet a lot of railfans wi***hat there'd be a draw like that where they live!
  • I recently read on the internet about a draw with an SP bay window caboose as the prize! Tickets were $75 each and whoever won the caboose would get enough track for it to sit on, plus have it transported to wherever they wanted it for free providing they were within 150 miles of St. Louis. I bet a lot of railfans wi***hat there'd be a draw like that where they live!
  • ATTN ALL: Ask the publisher's of this, web site, they should be able to fine the artical, you are looking for, I think there was and artical, done about the caboose in one of the trains magazines.
  • ATTN ALL: Ask the publisher's of this, web site, they should be able to fine the artical, you are looking for, I think there was and artical, done about the caboose in one of the trains magazines.
  • Yes, I remember that article. I showed it to my parents and they were like: "What? You want one now?"

    I put "caboose" into the search engine and found it right away.

    I believe this is the article you were thinking of?

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Yes, I remember that article. I showed it to my parents and they were like: "What? You want one now?"

    I put "caboose" into the search engine and found it right away.

    I believe this is the article you were thinking of?

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • That's pretty cool. I just having 6 acres to play with doesn't hurt. My neighbors would kill me.

    Anybody know where I could find a caboose blueprint. I would like to build a smaller version in my back yard for my young daughter?

  • That's pretty cool. I just having 6 acres to play with doesn't hurt. My neighbors would kill me.

    Anybody know where I could find a caboose blueprint. I would like to build a smaller version in my back yard for my young daughter?

  • Wow! That's some story. I'd like to have a caboose in my backyard myself, but I never really thought about how much extra shipping really was. I could have got a caboose on ebay for only $10 once.
  • Wow! That's some story. I'd like to have a caboose in my backyard myself, but I never really thought about how much extra shipping really was. I could have got a caboose on ebay for only $10 once.