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Hello All !

  • Hello !
    My name is Doug, and I'm a train-o-holic...
    (hello doug)..

    Well, anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself...I don't have a model train, I'm more into watching for trains and looking/searching for old abandoned routes of trains. I'm not that old (34 almost) but I remeber tracks that had trains on them, that have long since been abandoned and converted to nature trails...

    Well, I just thought I'd say HI and introduce myself...
    I was married last year and we have a child due in October, and this is one of my few nights that I can do NOTHING but play around

    Thank you for the great website
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  • Hello !
    My name is Doug, and I'm a train-o-holic...
    (hello doug)..

    Well, anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself...I don't have a model train, I'm more into watching for trains and looking/searching for old abandoned routes of trains. I'm not that old (34 almost) but I remeber tracks that had trains on them, that have long since been abandoned and converted to nature trails...

    Well, I just thought I'd say HI and introduce myself...
    I was married last year and we have a child due in October, and this is one of my few nights that I can do NOTHING but play around

    Thank you for the great website
  • Hi Doug...
    Im also a Train-o-holic...and have been since the 1960's. Congrats on your marriage and that baby due in a few months. seems to me, you will soon have an excuise to buy that model train set.. best of luck...Keith
  • Hi Doug...
    Im also a Train-o-holic...and have been since the 1960's. Congrats on your marriage and that baby due in a few months. seems to me, you will soon have an excuise to buy that model train set.. best of luck...Keith