


  • Richard, Alec hit some of the main points. A 4 megapixel is usually good, and 5 is better yet (although I get by with a 3, but I do notice where it lacks. One of these days I'll get a 5 megapixel), and at least a 3x OPTICAL (not digital) zoom is good. And usually the more things you can manually control on the camera the better. This doesn't rule out point-and-shoot, as there are many point-and-shoots that still allow you to adjust the settings.

    And, if at all possible, get an SLR camera. These are the best things on the market, they take the best quality photos and stuff. Most SLR's are totally Manual adjust though, no point-and-shoot (which can take some getting used to), and you can add lenses on to the front to get different zooms (from 15mm-300mm is usually a good range to have, although if you can get an even farther zoom that can be good too. Thing is then though you'll need a tripod, as when you zoom so far a slight movement in the camera really blurs the photo.

    That's about all I know about Cameras One of these days I've got to do even more research, and maybe down the road I'll invest in an even better camera then what I've got. Something like the Cannon Digital Rebel or something. Right now though, I don't have $1500 to blow on a camera.....

    I've been told both Nikon and Cannon are quite good as far as higher end cameras go. On the lower end, Fuji, Kodak, Cannon, Nikon, they are all pretty good.

  • One last question--my father wants to know what brand the SLR Cameras are. Cannon, Kodak, Nikon...etc.

    Also, what camera can you get that will snap a pic every half-second? Because on mine you click wait a sec, then it snaps. That's why the trains are far away in some of my photos, because it takes a sec and I'm afraid that it won't take it in time and the train will pass. That's why I take them when they're further back.

    One last thing I promise and this will probably wrap up my posts for today (my Avg/Day never seems to go down!). Is there a camera that shows you what the lense sees instead of looking through the glass part, trying to line it up, yet the train comes out on the top of your picture? I hope you know what I mean by this. It's hard for me to explain. Thanks


    Yeah I guess that'd work! But I still want a camera that will take photos every half-sec and one where you can see exact. Now my camera does have a screen that'll do what yours does but it's a little blurry! But I guess I have to make do until I get an upgrade.


    This Nikon D70 sounds good. In fact, my father wants to look into it. I think now, by all you guy's remarks, that I'll go with SLR and get the Nikon D70. Chris what was the price range?

    Richard Click here to go to my rail videos! Click here to go to my rail photos! .........
  • Howdy y'all! I'm back I had a long tiring day at work and school.
  • Richard,

    You've got it, SLR's are Cannon, Nikon, and I think Kodak makes one. You see, SLR stands for Single Refecting Lens. It it a type of camera, not a brandname.

    My camera has an option for taking multiple pictures, about three a second. That's the only reason mine come out, as I pick which out of the five I take has the train in the proper spot. Take a look at you manual and see if it has anything about this type of thing.

    The way my camera works, you look at the photo on an LCD screen as you take it. There is an eye peice too, but the default is to use the LCD screen. It shows you exactly what the picture will look like.

    As far as your camera, try purposefully aiming your shots a little higher instead. You can always crop your photos later.

  • If you want film you can pick up a Konica like mine on E-bay pretty cheap. Here take a look at these.
    Mine is a Konica TCX, works great. Much cheaper than digital, it will take a lot of film to make it worth a digital.
  • Ohh... the camera I shoot with is an SLR. It is a Nikon belongs to my dad, and he lets me use it for railfaning...

    SLRs are definenetly the way to go.... And Richard, if you want a camera that takes pics every 1/2 sec.. get an SLR!!! Dads D70 will fire off shots like a machine gun unde ideal ccircumstances...

    However, I also use a 3.2 mp point and shooter, siimilar to yours is what it will produce.

    not too shabby right? The trick is. like others have said..LAY OFF THE ZOOM...those were all with no zoom... And with it, I can usually only get one or two shots of the loco, but with the SLR I can get like 10....

    The point is, 3.2 megpixel autos like mine, are fine!!!! Some of the trains in those pics were going in excees of 50 MPH...just keep the sun to your back and make the train the bigger part of the picture.!!!
  • Great Chris is on. I felt like talking to you.
  • Richard, sorry that I haven't had enough time to check out your photos.
    And I'm also sorry to say that I haven''t anything to report until I get some exam/test results back. And now I'll just hang around until I have something to say, I guess.
    And if Alec wants to talk about nonsense posts, I'm thinking that this would qualify as one..since even though I want to have a little flame war with PennFan, I'm not going to because it might ruin our friendship.

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • james and Max the other 2/3 of the lsrm need cleaning if ya know what I mean.......
    Will for some reason i tried to send those ppictures in an email to but it said that it didn't exsist... did ya change??
    Any whay decided to go metra on the sig.
    See yall
  • Matt, if you ever want to talk trains at a faster rate, you can always call me at 330-864-0849. Weekdays 4-11. 3-10 your time. Weekends I'd say anywhere from 1-12 your time unless otherwise. I hope you appreciate this because if you don't, Alec will tell me I'm posting worthlessly, LOL!

    And if your bored now, I don't mind talking, if it's okay with you, since Eric had to wacth a movie with his parents.

    The same goes to the rest of you.

    Richard Click here to go to my rail videos! Click here to go to my rail photos! .........
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by nssr9169

    james and Max the other 2/3 of the lsrm need cleaning if ya know what I mean.......
    Will for some reason i tried to send those ppictures in an email to but it said that it didn't exsist... did ya change??
    Any whay decided to go metra on the sig.
    See yall

    Hmm, friday we have to go railfanning. Call me about that. Or we could clean from like 10 -1 then go fanning? We are gonna head to South Itasca. No more boring

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • Hey Chris,
    Be sure to check your private messages on the Western Rail forum, I sent you one.
  • Hah, it would be neat to talk to you sometime, richie! (Sorry, I couldn't resist any longer!) I might call later this week if I go railfanning or something. Or why not just use messenger? You've got the addresses there, but you haven't let me add you yet!
    Sorry about what Brendan said on my forum, it's probably just the wording in your post. Basically, what you said is that he's an anti-social ***. He's just saying that you failed to see the smileys, which signify he's joking! In real life, it's a bit easier to tell that he's joking, but here, even with the smileys, it can be hard. He's really not a mean guy at all, he's just a bit annoyed that you accused him of just wanting to fight. He wasn't, he's just joking around!

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by coborn35

    QUOTE: Originally posted by nssr9169

    Hmm, friday we have to go railfanning. Call me about that. Or we could clean from like 10 -1 then go fanning? We are gonna head to South Itasca. No more boring

    South Itasca!!!! Are you nuts!!!! Why do you want to go to South Itasca. there is barely any train action. A few trains here and there but much less than Saunders or Boylston.
    The Milwaukee Road From Miles City, Montana, to Avery, Idaho. The Mighty Milwaukee's Rocky Mountain Division. Visit:
  • Guess where I am? IN PHYSICS! only got 70% on the test, and haven't got the results back from the practice final, and may not ever, unless the teacjer makes up a new answer key by the end of class, IT'S THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!! :-D But more musical more more spare..and next term, social 23, chem, CALM, and math 20P, which is funny because I haven't finished math 10 yet!
    Oh well, I might go railfanning tomorrow or friday, but the weather probably won't be good enough for pics, so I'll just be looking, and I've got to find out how many tracks there are in teh sattelite yard!

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here: