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Should Amtrak Bring back David Gunn

  • I think yes.
    Save the F40PH!
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  • I chose yes, but I have no idea what that third choice means.

    Yes because he's probably the only candidate that's still available with the railroad experience needed to run Amtrak.
    Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Chief of Sanitation; Clowntown
  • I don't have a real feeling one way or the other and can't form one until there is a clear decision as to what is going to be the role of passenger rail in the United States.

    Until that happens whomever is at the head will be spending an enormous amount of energy trying to lead when there's noplace to go.

  • If you really expect people to respond in any intelligent manner, for heaven's sake use Standard English! What the h*** is the meaning of that string of words in the third choice?
    Whether your life is good or bad, trains will make it better!
  • David Gunn was the best thing to happen to Amtrak. He was finally getting it turned around so it could be run properly. This frightened the BOD and that's why he got the axe[:(!].
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • QUOTE: If you really expect people to respond in any intelligent manner, for heaven's sake use Standard English! What the h*** is the meaning of that string of words in the third choice?

    It's an obscure reference to a poorly translated Japanese video game from the late 1990s......
    C280 rollin'
  • I would, under normal circumstances, choose yes, but the third one really threew me off! Ever seen it synched to reboot?

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • yes he should return anybody with over 42 yeats of experience should come back. those three men on the board naming mr laney. mr, rosen . and mr mross should ber removed from the board as they admitted that they do not have any railroad experience. and anothe person that is a waste is sec.of transportation .his name is norman mineta. talk about a useless man he is it. he always criticizes amtrak he has no good word for the industry.. he is useless. we need somebody on the board that knows more about the railroad industry than those four men who are a disaster. yes bring back mr david .gunn and merry christmas. thank you
  • I have voted no since Mr. Gunn has made it clear that he would not want to return. The situation is very sticky, and covered with political[censored]![D)]s all around, and nary a brain to be seen that shall endure the inquisition of the senate democrats and R.I.N.O. republicans on the Transportation sub committee. (R.I.N.O= Republicans In Name Only) As I have stated, Amtrak needs to be an industry/government partnership. No other scheme is in my opinion practical, given the political realities of a VERY nasty 2006 election season[:(].
  • I voted Yes.....I may disagree with some of his policies, but there's no arguing that he's moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, the Oil Cartel Administration has loaded the board with its flunkies, and they are following the script he's given them, page for page.