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What would be your favorite engin of all time

  • No brainer, 4-8-8-4 Big Boy
  • Challenger or Big Boy. That power was huge.
  • P.E. Boxmotor

  • "Old Ironsides" - that looks like a fun engine to drive along with the
    "John Bull"
    But what was most impressive for an early day loco was the
    "Iron Duke" - huge and fast for the era.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Sorry for all the steam lovers but I have to vote for the GG1.

  • SD45T-2
    Regards Gary
  • I think the V-8 engine would be my all time favourite.

    Oh wait, I already answered this thread.

    Can I get a refund?

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • I think you all are asleep at the Throttle again....

    1. There's only one and Doyle and the City of Portland have it and that is a GS-4
    4-8-4 Daylight in Daylight colors with full skirting......[swg][swg][swg][swg][swg]
    Matthew Stull
  • Electric - GG1
    Steam - PRR T-1 4444
    Diesel - Alco C628
  • My favorite locomotive?

    GE U18B
  • GG 1
    K 4
  • Definitely EMD's GP20.
  • How about DRGW K-37's! A standard gauge boiler on 3' (NG) outside frame running gear. We talk about people on steriods, how about a steam engine!
  • Mine would be the SD40-2 or GP59's
    I like NS but CSX has the B&O.
    Save the F40PH!