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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 41: October 24, 2005

  • Mikes. That wasnt much of a contest. Nice try though erik. It was hard for me, because i really dont like GE's. But the fall colors in Mike's look really nice.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • I went with 1. The image was awesome, and I liked how the engine came out of the shade.
    Colin from
  • I prefer photo #1 as I am not a fan of standard 3/4 front view, rather something with a little more thought.
  • The colorful train in the colorfull countryside did it for me. Though the lighting wasn't too good, the mood was just right.

    I liked photo 1, too, but not as much.
    Walt Huston President Aberdeen, Tacoma & Spanaway Forrest Railroad
  • Wow, the colors and lighting on 2 are fabulous. So, I voted for #2. I'ts also well posed and probably should be on a 2007 calendar. Larry in Las Vegas (our skimpy deciduous foliage doesn't turn until late December).
  • I liked photo 1 better even though it is a bit to dark. I like the fact that the engine is not in a paint scheme that I see a lot and photo 2 is too typical. I would love to see some differnt foliage shots instead of the same old thing.
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • Why couldn't we have voted on the maintainance of way equipment or the SOO LINE caboose. Their different. I did vote for 2, nice shot.
  • Wow, not one comment about those 1930's vintage 'phone poles in photo #2. Take away the manicured ballast and the heavy motive power and you have the makin's of a rural branch line in the '40's. Way to go, Erik, you gotcher self a winner.
  • Erik/Mike, I had to vote for #2, the fall colors and locos just jump out at you! GREAT photo. Keep up the GREAT job.
    My next winter project is replacing the seats in my motorcar.

    Regards, Jim
  • My apologies to Mike, photo #2 simply looks like a shot that Erik would take and I just blurted out his name.
  • I went with photo 2, just like the scene better... I don' t even mind the coudy day, I like it, it establishes a mood
  • HOORAY FOR BLIND VOTING. KEEP IT UP. Both pictures make statements in their own way but my vote goes to Number 2.
  • photo 2 all the way, although i do enjoy CN, dash9's atre too common, however the photo was great. Photo one started off fine, until i coldn't see much more past the front of the locomotive.. too dark.
    derailment? what derailment? All reports of derailments are lies. Their are no derailments within a hundreed miles of here.
  • Being that this is the 41st installment, I think I know whose shot it whose just by the way they are set up! But that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that #2 is the clear winner. I like the gutsy move with #1 shooting on the dark side of the train with the nose screamin' in your face. #2 has such a stong mood and feeling to it, I had to wipe the mist off my glasses!!! Nothing says Wisconsin autum more than overcast skies, wet autum leaves, and trains!!! Hats off to both though, I think both shots are technically strong.

    Erik, I think you should have saved that AMTRAK shot for use in voting... very nice!!!

  • Had to go with photo #2 its clear sharp and the fall foliage adds the touch. Photo #1 only the shadow knows[?]