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Track Inspector Lantern

  • I have what has been described to me as a "track inspectors lantern". This is a hand carried kerosene fueled lantern that has a concave mirror behind the glass chimney. The lantern has a bail for carrying and it also has a solid handle with a punch out for mounting it on a hook / nail. The back of the lantern is marked with the manufactures name (DIETZ} and identifies the lantern as an Acme Inspectors Lamp.

    I have been told that the lantern was used by an individual called the Track Inspector to check for unsafe trackage. Some one else said the lantern was kept in the caboose and used by a Brakeman to check his train for mechanical problems.

    Can anyone shed (pun intended) some light on this.

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  • it was used like you say to check the train for problems.
  • I believe the lantern you describe is actually a car inspectors lantern. Car inspectors would check trains at terminals for such things as dragging brake beams, journal box packing and cracked wheels. They carried a hammer which they used to hit each wheel and by the sound could tell if it was cracked or not. For this reason they were commonly called "car knockers".
  • Are ther any identifiers on it such as railroad emblems or initials?
    Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Chief of Sanitation; Clowntown