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What is your favorite railroad line?

  • The Pennsylvania Rail Road...

    Too bad I was born almost 30 years too late to see it...

    At least I can model it in my house!!

  • 4 out of 5 fallen flags

    Milwaukee Road

    Great Northern

    Northern Pacific

    Burlington Northern

    Montana Rail Link

  • The Milwaukee Road. As a child my one and only long distance train ride was on the "City of Denver".  Later on in life we moved to a neighborhood in Cedar Rapids, IA just south of the railroad's main line to Omaha.  The City streamliners used to pass by every night about 7pm, and I had a particular spot at the end of the street where I could stand and watch.  At first the train was powered by a sleek E-8, later on a shiny new FP-45 took over the duties.  

    I have figured out what is wrong with my brain!  On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!

  • I live right next to the Louisville & Indiana Railroad

    heres the train in the columbus yard under US 31

  • Norfolk Southern is my favorite since I live here in Central Pennsylvania I see a lot of the action, I pass by the Harrisburg terminal several times a week making deliveries.



  • The venerable Kansas City Southern, of course.  If you're always for the underdog, who is scrapping to survive, like I am, what other small class I is there besides Florida East Coast? Not many!  KCS has to 'make do' with what it has and it does a very good job at it. I have nothing but respect for the good 'ol KCS!!
  • ATSF




  • It would have to be Conrail since that's what I grew up with. Norfolk Southern would be next in line since the change over. CSX would be my third favorite,at least for the eastern roads. Now BNSF and UP,SP would be my favorites for the western half of the states.
  • The Rock Island was a mighty fine line...also liked NYC, the Pennsy, N&W. There were so many great lines back in the day!

    SteveSmile [:)]

  • DGNO!

    But I dig UP and BNSF too.

    As for fallen flags.......Viva Los MKT!!!! SP, DRGW, ATSF, and BN are also very cool.
  • The Milwaukee Road.  I grew up near that railroad.  I remember the box cars used to fly by so fast that I couldn't hardly count fast enough to keep up.  110 car trains were the norm.  I'm not old enough to remember them, but I have heard lots of stories of people racing the Hiawatha along Hwy 212.  85mph plus.

  • Grew up along the L&N in the 50's and 60's, spent my younger days in my grandparents front yard along side the "Main Line" in Bonnieville, Ky. Chidhood memories of RS3s, Fs, Geeps FAs drive my desire to model this peroid. But time spent at the Kentucky Railroad Musuem around #152 has kindled a growing interest in steam.


  • Whistling [:-^]

     In the midst of the crowd there is only one, The Old Wobbly.

    WESTERN PACIFIC  forever lives......................

    from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

    We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

  • I would have to say penn central is number 1 in my book i live here in mid michigan and saw a lot of PC when i was a kid.
  • Rock Island is mine.