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What's going on on the MR forum?

  • Enough already!!!!!!
  • I miss the forum already...sigh...[:(]

    I go there at least once a day.

    The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by railroadyoshi

    mehrlich, I think we all have rumors about other forums. People say over at MR that this forum is a lot more bloody. Matter of perspective. BTW: no offense intended

    None taken!

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dragenrider

    I miss the forum already...sigh...[:(]

    I go there at least once a day.

    Me too!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Randy Stahl

    Enough already!!!!!!

    More than enough already;PATIENCE !!!!!!!

    Being Crazy,keeps you from going "INSANE" !! "The light at the end of the tunnel,has been turned off due to budget cuts" NOT AFRAID A Vet., and PROUD OF IT!!

  • I'm afraid I can't add much to any of this discussion, but a little, perhaps. Terry sent an email to several people in the building this morning stating that we were "experiencing a serious problem with persons unknown posting extremely inappropriate topics on our forums, especially the CTT and MR forums.... Please pass along to the customers that we are just as troubled as they are by this content, that we are working to rectify the problem ASAP, and that we apologize for any distress that these have caused."

    I don't know when the forums will be unlocked again, but I wouldn't panic. Every now and then someone shows up on a forum to cause trouble. We've had it on the TRAINS Mag forum, too.

    Whenever I've been in meetings where the forums were being discussed, no one has raised the idea of shutting them down because of trolls. Yeah, trolls can be annoying, and sometimes — like last night and today — they can be very bad. But the forums overall are good. They're good for readers, and they're good for the magazines. They provide a venue in which we can all learn from each other and have a sense of being more connected to one another. That's important.

    I don't know when the forums will be back in service — partly because I've been out of town this week and it took me until long after most folks left the building to catch up on my emails far enough to learn there was a problem.

    The best I can offer is that you hang in there, and check back periodically. If I hear anymore Monday, I'll drop by and give an update.

    In the meantime, I still have about 15 emails to respond to, a few phone calls, and I have to figure out if I can spend most of tomorrow chasing trains.

    Take care, and don't worry!

  • This is a crying shame and I feel sorry for the good folks here and the good people here at trains. I never posted here but do lurk around and do research on this site all the time because there is so much to learn here on this forum. Mike Jarrett
  • Maybe the people at Trains get a little sick and tired of people always running to them and crying about this and that.

    Maybe they have more important work to do.

    So many times I've read posts where people are emailing, or calling, or whatever this Bergie guy and complaining about BS.

    You guys let the "trolls" win. Some people here acted like little girls and went runnning for thier mommy (Bergie), to tell on them. Ignore the idiots ......they'll get bored, and go away. Now they know that they can have fun here ......they'll be back soon in way or another, to have fun.

    No matter how old you are........act like men.

  • I just went on the M R forum, and couldn't make a reply, now I get what is going on.

    As to the person who has caused this... Some people...[soapbox]
  • Well for one thing......The grass is still green.
  • Well we can always post MR stuff here, right? [;)]
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dthurman

    Well we can always post MR stuff here, right? [;)]

    I dunno, I think that we'd be better off making the "" forums our home for a while. It sees very little traffic, and probably would not upset anyone to post model railroading topics there. As for me, it's either that or ModelRailroadForums(Different website).

  • One thing we need to be careful about is talking up all the other forums. That can become a negative. The Kalmbach folks might see that there are many other forums and this one is not needed.

    Okay, it's a pretty stupid idea, but I just don't want to see the MR forums go![:(]
  • [#ditto].

    I wasnt happy with what went on last night, as many of you saw. I am glad that Bergie got rid of him. Thanks to all of you that reported flow_train. I hope the MR forum gets restored soon but until then this is our home away from home.


    Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]
    Illinois Central Railroad. Operation Lifesaver. Look, Listen, Live. Proud owner and user of Digitrax DCC. Visit my forum at For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Dream. Plan. Build.Smile, Wink & GrinSmile, Wink & Grin
  • With the CTT forum down as well, some of us old train geezers have been hanging out at MTJ and the Gauge forums. It's just not the same though - the coffee is not nearly as good!

    Seriously, I look forward to all of the forums being back up and running soon.