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Turntables & DCC?

  • My layout is of 2 Cabs, one of which I`ve just turned into "DCC", now in this "CAB" I have a
    "Rivarossi Turntable" which up to now has been "DC" controled and no problem.

    But I been told I cannot operate a "DC" powered Turntable in "DCC" mode, Has anyone
    any Idea what is needed to transfer this Turntable to "DCC" operation or failling that, how
    would I go about wiring It to operate in both modes if at all possible.

    The "DCC" unit I`m using is the "Bachmann E-Z Command" system. Thank you all for any
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  • You will get far more help in the Model Railroader forums, especially the one called "Layouts and layout building". See 'forum jump', below, and scroll down until you find it.

    As a short, interim, answer, you will have to acquire and install a stationary decoder that will recieve and interpret the DCC signal and direct appropriate current to the motor.
  • Thank you kindly, I will do that
