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the wabash chicago and st.louis line

  • i am reserching the Wabash's Chicago and St. Louis line. If any one has any information on this subject please feel free to post it. Especally helpful would be any info on Forrest IL. and Gibson City IL. Also any old structures that might still be standing, thank you.
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  • I probably can't tell you anything you don't already know. the northern end is used by Metra running a limited schedule from Orland Park to Union Station in Chicago. It is single track. The track exists well south of New Lenox, IL and I suspect that as the area grows the Metra stations will be extended to Manhattan when the traffic warrants. I am trying to figure out why there are container cars stroed on the main in that area. The Metra schedule can be had from their website.
  • It is my understanding that the former Wabash Chicago to St. Louis line has been abandoned somewhere below Orland Park to Decatur. NS trains now run between Chicago and Danville over the old C&EI main. At Danville they proceed over the former Wabash main from Detroit on to Decatur and St. Louis. I last rode the Bluebird round trip between St. Louis and Chicago in 1966 when it was Wabash all the way and still first class service. I remember riding the dome car and passing over many through truss bridges at 80 mph with about 6 inches to spare between the dome and the top truss of the bridge.

    Unlike the other roads, Alton (GM&O), ICRR and C&EI ,which went through E. St. Louis, IL, the Wabash stopped at the Delmar Station in the north suburbs of St. Louis before crossing into Illinois. Until the end of passenger service two Pullman cars were spotted at Delmar and available for early evening occupancy. One was added to the Midnight for the overnight trip to Chicago and one to the overnight train to Kansas City. They returned on the next overnight trains from these cities and and were dropped off at Delmar where they could be occupied until 9:00 am.