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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 23: January 17, 2005

  • Just had to vote for Eric this time. Living here on the BNSF mainline through Iowa, how could I vote otherwise!! Loved the shot of that loco charging out of the self made blizzard
  • Erik has posted the better photo but I voted for Mike because his was shot this week. No fair pulling out a shot from mild snowy weather when Mike is braving single digit temps.

  • I am a softy for NS. Erik's head on shot just seemed flat, no depth and the nose of the locomotive was too dark. . Next time Erik get a trackside shot, leading the viewers to believe that in the next instant you will be in a blizzared :) I did that with a video camera once, and that was enough. What I liked about the NS shot was the snow on the nose. Also work the sun a little better Erik.
  • Erik's shot has drama. I liked that.

    Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
    Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you
    My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date
    Come ride the rails with me!
    There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

  • Well, while both are snow-ridden photos, I chose Erik's photo because of the drama being built up by a 50-mph train heading towards you while kicking up all that snow. Plus, the signals didn't hurt the shot either. In addition, being from the South, I see WAAAAAY too much NS and like seeing BNSF from time-to-time. Thanks guys.
  • It was an easy choice this time. Erik,s photo really is flat out awesome[8D]!
    I love the head on shot of a BNSF unit in the snow.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • This isn't about favorite roads. Neither of them are my fav. Doesn't BNSF stand for Buy Norfolk Southern First?

    Erik gets the vote siply based on the 'in your face, coming at you from out of the storm' look of his shot.
  • Erik got my vote, a little less conventional and love the snow adding action to the shot. Better not try to market the digital Rebel north of St. Louie if not good below 32 degrees. Winter is about my favorite time of year to shoot slides as the right of way is opened up from the lack of folage and the air is so much clearer on a sunny day. Keep up the good work guys.

  • Mike's photo is striking for the daredevil stance of the photographer. Nice detail on the snow but would have been much better if of BIG STEAM with a column of smoke!
  • I agree with "jksid." The drama of that BNSF coming straight at you is pure railroading. WINTER railroading I might add. However I do not feel your pain with those Canon Digital Cameras. I just take my trusty old Nikon FM2 out even when the wind chill is 20 below and shoot whatever I want. Mostly B & W now days. Great photos.[;)]
  • Both good pics but the head-on gets the nod over the standard front angle shot.
    I try to vote strictly on the shot with no bias for or against any particular line or model.
  • Sorry Mike but I voted for Eriks picture. The swirling snow gives the sense of motion. You get a good head-on shot and you just know what's coming next. I wish I had been standing there with Erik, watching and waiting for the dusting up of snow he got and the smell of Diesel exhaust as it went by.

    If I lived close enough I would've gladly volunteered to go with him even if it was just to bru***he snow off him.[:D]

    Keep up the good work you two. It is appreciated.


  • The image of that engine coming out of the white is just too compelling for words.
  • Excellent photo, Erik. As a digital Rebel owner who just purchased the 55-200mm lens, I would like to know the approximate focal length used for this shot. There is nice compression of foregorund/background which effectively accentuates the snow and the surroundings.
  • Smashing photo Erik. You have an artsts eye. Keep up the good work. Sorry Mike - photo is shamelessly humdrum.[8D][xx(]