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Do you despise UP?

  • YES[:(!]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by CBQ_Guy

    QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    Whenever UP merges with another railroad, the other road always dissapears into Armour Yellow and Harbor Mist Gray.They completely devoured many railroads including my favorite, Southern Pacific!!!

    That's why they're called the "Borg"...


    The teenagers in this thread clearly have no recollection of the real "Borg." No one gave the C&NW so much as a "duh" until the alleged swallowing. BN devoured the Midwest and the Northwest. The UP offered the only respite. Then, enter BNSF. DOES ANYONE EVEN MISS THE SANTA FE RAILWAY AT ALL?
  • NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NO, I like the UP. After all, they still have two active steam locomotives for publicity and fans trips. What other railroad has that in 2005, almost fifty years after steam was used on the main line???

    Sure, they purchased other railroads in a time when you either took over or got taken over. They are a business and they make money most of the time. This year with all of the flooding in the west, they have not done so well, but who could expected such bad conditions and flooding.

    By the way, when they bought the Southern Pacific, they used the name Pacific from the SP and Union from the UP. They did the same with both the Western Pacific and the Missouri Pacificso they really have a new name.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by bangert1

    NO, I like the UP. After all, they still have two active steam locomotives for publicity and fans trips. What other railroad has that in 2005, almost fifty years after steam was used on the main line???

  • If I may put in my $0.02 I don't like Amtrak's new logo. Bring back the red white and blue!
    Save the F40PH!
  • I do not hate the UP. In fact, I wi***hem well. It would be nice if they would learn how to run a railroad. One thing is for sure: The people running the UP today could not have built it in the first place. Not enough brass. I don't think there will ever be again a railroad the likes of the Southern Pacific. The people of the SP collectively had brass. I think they had the spirit of Theodore Judah who refused to accept the common belief of his day that a railroad could not be built over the Sierra-Nevada range. I believe it was that spirit that made it possible for the SP to overcome adversities that would have caused lesser railroads to "fold their tent." In fact the SP was the only major railroad in the United States never to declare bankruptcy. It wasn't the color of the paint on their locomotives that made the SP special (although black widows were impressive). It was the brass inside. Let's hope some of that brass will eventually show through the yellow paint.
  • Well, I guess I dont like them that much. Hadnt really thought about it Even though I am in UP land out here in Southern Arizona, It will be awhile before one of UP's grace my layout. I guess I have no desire since one, most UP folks I have talked too, dont have much nice thigns to say about the company, and two, seems like the upper level management couldnt find their behind with two hands and a mirror.]

    Just my thoughts...

    Best Regards, Big John

    Kiva Valley Railway- Freelanced road in central Arizona.  Visit the link to see my MR forum thread on The Building of the Whitton Branch on the  Kiva Valley Railway

  • Like Up or not, their paint scheme has remaied essentially the same since the first Diesels arrived. And no cheapskate renditions either.
    And for what it's worth considering todays chronic power shortages, and clogged yards and sidings, the melding of the T&P across Texas with the Sunset Route at El Paso was a strategic move that should have been made years ago. Ditto the C&NW into Chicago.


  • Yes, as all evil empires including the NY Yankees, we will never forget and SP will live in our hearts forever. UP will go the way of the old Soviet Union but hopefully much quicker.
  • Yes I do I talked to a friend who lives in Houston and he waS THERE DURING THE MELTDOWN. All he said is UP came in and said this is how you will run this area. All management down there said the same thing IT WILL NOT WORK THE UP MANAGER SAID EITHER RUN IT THE WAY I TELL YOU OR YOUR FIRED IMMEDIATLY. SO they ran it the way UP AKA THE BORG said and 2 days later GRIDLOCK happened.
    Always at war with those that think OTR trucking is EASY.
  • I don't despise Union Pacific as much as I miss the Southern Pacific. I did enjoy the direct traffic control (DTC) on some of their lines.
    Regards Gary
  • I don't despise Union Pacific. But I don't understand how slow they are to both learn
    from their mistakes and correct them,as well. Maybe if the upper mgt. types would
    actually be forced to see what the crews experience on a day-to day basis...nah.
    'Twill never happen.[V]
    On a lighter note- I love the paint scheme, and my hat is off to the real heroes-
    the crews, MOW, and everyone else who actually gets their hands dirty from a
    hard day's work.[:D]

    Cascade Green Forever ! GET RICH QUICK !! Count your Blessings.

  • You know, a lot depends on your perspective. I've been reading your posts here and sympathize well, but in my case I'm hoping that UP buys out CSX. CSX has been keeping L&N 152, an Atlantic fast passenger capable of 102 MPH, bottled up in New Haven, Kentucky because of insurance issues. UP is the only big-boy with steam on the main menu. Maybe if they'd buy our CSX then 152 could get out once in awhile.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

    Whenever UP merges with another railroad, the other road always dissapears into Armour Yellow and Harbor Mist Gray.They completely devoured many railroads including my favorite, Southern Pacific[:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!]!!!