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Trackside with Erik and Mike: Year in Review

  • I don't want to step on anyone's toes here by starting this thread, I just wanted to comment on the latest Trackside.

    I just wanted to thank Bergie and Mike for doing this the whole year, it has been great to see some really good pictures from around the mid-west (where I don't get a chance to go). And it is always fun to have some friendly competition going on now and then![:)]

    As for the pictures posted this week, I think there might have been some piectures in there that I would have voted for. I think the best one was the head-on shot of Mike's with the train going through the bridge/silo (I'm not quite sure what that is).

    I hope everyone has a safe holiday season and I will look forward to a new batch of Tracksides next year!
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  • I have to agree with every thing you said, many of those pictures were definately competition quality. I too would like to thank Mike and Erik for doing this every few weeks, it makes this forum and site even more enjoying.

  • I have enjoyed seeing your photos and reading the comments about them.
    Merry Christmas,everybody!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • The photos are great. Please keep them coming.
  • Always fun to see the pics, look forward to next year.