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Help - Starting out

  • Hope this is the correct forum. I'm being bitten by the bug, after my dad drug the bits and pieces of MY Christmas present from around 1975, out of his attic, where it had been for 35 years. It was my present, but it was his project. It is a TYCO set that he pieced together and it was amazing. It had two lines, a main and a mine line. It is all old brass track, and I only have bits and pieces. The bits that I have are HO gauge, and not a lot more. I would really love to get the locomotives working again, and expect that the brass track is probably not worth the effort. I'm going to be looking at working with a small 4x8 platform, that's what I have room for. I'd like to put together at least 2 main lines and a mine (or even better, a cog railway).

    What track stock is recommended? I'm pretty sure I'm going with nickel-steel, which is fine, but I'd like to incorporate the old track, if possible (probably a separate line).

    Anyway, when the bug started nibbling, I thought this part would be easy, HO is HO, right? Sigh. Any guidance is most appreciated. If this isn't the appropriate forum, please direct me elsewhere.

    Thank you for your time!

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  • Welcome.

    You might get more response in the Model Railroader forums. General, Layouts and DCC forums depending on the subject. Some new people usually see the first forum. Lots of forums here.


    If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.