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Loading a Photo

  • How do you load a photo on I just signed up and the only thing I can do with my profile is add an avatar.
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  • Welcome.

    Take time to look through all the site. This is not the Model Railroader forum.


    If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.

  •    To load a photo you need to load it onto a photo service like photobucket or flickr (there are several out there, so look at some of the entries in the forum that others have made and see which appeals to you.)   They usually offer a basic service for free.  Then you post a link to it by using "Insert image" in the tool bar above, or what I usually do is copy the url from the heading and paste it in the text.   It may or may not activate automatically-- there's been a lot of discussion about the inconsistencies here.   The following is a discussion on how to make it active and an option to substitute your text for the link.   Even this method doesn't always make it active.


      "A stranger's just a friend you ain't met yet." --- Dave Gardner