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train wrecks

  • i know they are bad. does anybody know what 100 years ago sept.24 1904? the worst wreck on the Southern Railway happen. there were 113 people killedand several hundred injured. i have never seen anything in any railroad book or magazine printed about this accident. can anybody tell me why? i have seen newspaper articles about it though.
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  • I never even herd of it.
  • Hmmmm. . . .past train wecks :( They aren't good, but interesting to investigate. There were all to many train wecks in the 18 and eairly 1900's. I have heard of a 4-4-0 Steam going over a 150ft revine. Guess wut happened?/ The darn bridge was poorly engineered, and as the locomotive and eleven cars wen't across it the bridge feel from underneath them. I think more than 200 people died. This was back in the day when they had: the lik and pin couplers, vacum brakes, the wooden rails w/ a sheet of iron on top of them (unsterdy rail), no telegraphs, and most importantly no STANDERT TIME! Wooooooo didn't they need some help. lol
    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • The New Market Wreck of 1904. Check out the forum and search for the wreck name. 1904 was a bad year for wrecks. Knew I saw that somewhere. There is a guy there that has quite the info on that peticular incident.