hello to all
i'm marc from belgium, so don't look at my mistakes.
i'm planning to build the kedie wye for a modelcompetition in belgium in 2014. the messurements are for the visible side 1,22 x 0,61 meter and it have to fit in a square 2 x2 meter with fiddle yard. now my question: where can i find info about the keddie wye, hight, lenght, witch train pasover. i now it's union pacific and bnsf but witch type of train?
thanx already for you help
Yes, the California Zephyr, which was a joint operation by the Burlington, Rio Grande, and Western Pacific, used the Keddie Wye.
Here is a link to a website on bridges that gives some basic information. It also gives latitude and longitude so you could find it on Google Earth and use their measuring tool: