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Newbie Lost In High Weeds With An LGB 2119D

  • Greetings All,

    I hope someone can help me out? I just received this locomotive which has had some work done on her,
    I ran it last night, for about ten minutes, she powers off on her own, waits about 5 minutes and powers back up
    and cycles that way forever I guess?  I put a link to the tender bottom which shows the sensors and a push button swith and what looks like a volume control?? Can anyone tell me what they are for and maybe
    how they work ?? What kind of power supply would be best ?? Maybe a link to an original owners manual?? I can't seem to find much info about this locomotive...
    Any help would be appriciated,
    Thanks, Tom
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  • You'll probably get more info if you post this over on Kalmbach's Garden Railways or Model Railroader forums. This forum is for questions about real trains.
