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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 16: September 27, 2004

  • Wow guys, great shots!!! I really like Mike's, since I always have a hard time with those late-day/low-light shots. It's even better with the zoom and the track profile and stuff.

    But I had to go with Erik's picture. Sorry, but you just can't beat NS "horseys", coming out of a tunnel, in Wisconsin. The exposed rock face really adds to the effect, as do the old fallen leaves, the forest, and yes, the high-nose Geep! The "candid camera" was cool too.

    By the way, Erik, I did some work on your "under-exposed" picture at Duplainville, and it turned out pretty nice! I do have to disagree with you about Duplainville, though. I've taken some great shots there! My only complaint is about the old telegraph lines, they make it difficult to get good afternoon pictures of trains on the CN. And cloudy days work nice, sometimes. Check out what I caught on Saturday:

    -Mark Hintz

    Erik's picture, brightened up a bit:
  • I liked both photos a lot. Very tough decision . . . again. [:)] Great job on the photos.

    Went with Mike's for many of the same reasons others did . . . and because (even though it wasn't very clear) it really looks like he's got his dog up there in the cab with him [^] (but I couldn't tell for sure).
  • I voted for Erik's. There's something about that picture. You can just feel the power of the train!
  • It was very hard to decide but I'm going to vote for Mike since I'm a huge BNSF fan and I'm not an NS fan, sorry Erik!
  • Sorry Eric, you're photo just seemed flat and not as dramatic as Mike's.
  • The only reason I voted for Erik's Photo was that it was not the BNSF ugly colours and I like the tunnel shot. As usual both pictures were very good and if they were of the same railroad i would just have to flip a coin.
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  • I voted for Mike's, it had good color was well conceved and tells a story.
  • Boy, what a tough one! They were both really great shots so that makes it very hard to decide which one I liked more. In the end, there was just something about Erik's picture that eventually won me over.
  • Both pictures are great, but i really like black engines.
  • I have to go with Mike's photo. I'm an Illinois native and like ATSF's main. I like the lighting, the telephoto emphasis of the track dip, and the surprise westbound train. A photo that has more to reveal the longer you look at it. But kudos to Erik on catching that NS unit at Tunnel City; that's a rare bird up here (Mpls-StPaul area.) I'll have to check out Leeds my next time back to Illinois.
  • I wanted to vote for both of them, but I went with Mike's. I liked the lighting and the perspective. However, Erik's tunnel shot was excellent also. I would be glad to frame them both and hang them on the wall.
  • Hello again.
    This time is Mike, nice picture, nice colors, nice train. Erik's picture is not impressive at all and it is a bit out of focus in front. Let's face it people, unless there is something very special going on, days without sun are for making your archives not for taking pictures especialy in such dark areas. On the other hand this is our fun so we can go whenever we want and not when the weather is suitable.

    Best regards

    Nikos. Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Being from Pennsylvania, I just love that deep woods look... Thats what swayed my decision
  • My roots on in that SF double mainline - but for a picture story I prefer Erik's tunnel shot.

    I really appreciate you work and time you guys put in for this photo contest - it's great!