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Former Temiskaming and Northern Ontario #219

  • The Northern Ontario Railroad Museum ( has recently acquired former T &NO (ONR) steam locomotive #219.  The loco was originally built by Montreal Locomotive Works in 1907. 

    The museum is looking to restore the locomotive and has entered the project in the Aviva Community Fund.  They are seeking support with the project.  Individuals can follow the link below, register and cast a vote each day until Nov. 5. 

    Projects with the most votes win! Help spread the word!

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  • beautiful! great project!!

  • I made your link clickable for you.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
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    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • Thank you!

    Unfortunately we did not get the votes required last round! The third leg of the competition has started today and supporters can vote everyday until November 26th.  Thank you for your support and please help us spread the word!

  • Thanks for all your help!

    Third round starts today and supporters can vote once a day up until November 26th