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Please Pray with Me

  • My uncle has had a rough summer. He went thru many tests and phases of the heart.
    He is a huge train and Model railroading finatic with an NS line passing no more than 5 blocks from his house.
    Please keep him in mind, but he has not had a spell in a while.

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  • ComfterbullEd

    I am always happy to Pray for someone like you Uncle. Please let us know his name.

    Thank you
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by bangert1


    I am always happy to Pray for someone like you Uncle. Please let us know his name.

    Thank you
    His name is Jim Seele.
  • Lord Jesus, Thank You, for this forum, You have sooo blessed my life, made my heart happy, blessed me with so many wonderful people, shared sooo much with my past, made me feel welcome. God, Soooo Bless, our friend ComfterBull Ed, as he goes through this crisis, with his Uncle. Father, by faith I pray, for Jim Seele, that Thy Will Be Done in these lives, and one day I'll know the outcome, I know, Father God, as sure as I'm sitting here, You have permitted me to go beyond privacy issues, to pray for the person, as I wittnessed last night, and so bless him, His family, and his memory, according to your will, and Lord Jesus, I'll be looking for results, at our next years convention, in Cinci, AMEN! And God bless, you, your family is not forgotten, keep in touch! Allen.
  • Always happy to pray for a friends relative!
    When you talk to him tell him I said Hi and good luck.
  • I'll pray for him tonight, tomorrow night, and at church on Sunday.
  • I will certainly remember your uncle and keep him in my prayers. I hope that he gets better soon.
  • Count me in, hope he's well very soon.
  • This is sad news but I recied an e-mail from Comfterbulled, he is visiting his uncle and just this morning, he had a very violent one. He is o-k now from what I hear.
  • Does he have a clogged artery? I don't know about cardiology but my grandfather had a similar problem that required angioplaste.

    I hope he is O.K and that a simple procedure can fix the problem.

    Stay strong, you have my support

  • Hey guys.
    Just got back. He is fine now. What he has are a type of sezures(i dont know how to spell it)that are violent. We really don't know what it is.
  • I got to this forum late, but it is so refreshing to see that we can support one another in prayer and faith in a public forum like this. I will keep praying for your uncle, and thanks to all who are not afraid or ashamed to show their faith in prayer in a forum like this.

    Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado. 

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