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Train Quotations

  • What's your favorite quote about trains?
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  • Look, Listen, Live


    "Something hidden, Go and find it. Go and look behind the ranges, Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go." The Explorers - Rudyard Kipling

  • The first one that comes to mind and that probably is my favorite is:

    There isn't a train I would not take, no matter where it's going.
    -Edna St. Vincent Millay

    I recently purchased a book (A Guide To Trains), which contains quite a few excellent quotes. Here are some of them:

    [On the parellels between railways and the Church]. Both had their hayday in the mid-nineteenth century; both own a great deal of Gothic-style architecture, which is expensive to maintain; both are regularily assailed by critics and both are firmly convinced that they are the best means of getting man to his ultimate destination.
    -Rev. W. Awdry (Creator of Thomas the Tank Engine.)

    Let the country make the railroads and the railroads will make the country.
    -Edward Pease

    [About the expansion of railways.] Depend on it, they will be joined together one day.
    -George Stevenson (Bilder of early locomotives and pioneer of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.)

    I will send the locomotive as the great missionary over the world.
    -another by George Stevenson

    When a train pulls into a station, I am reminded of the closing momwents of an overture.
    -Graham Greene

    We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us.
    -Henry David Thoreau

    They [railway stations] are our gates to the glorious and unknown. Through them we pass into adventure and sunshine.
    -E. M. Forester

    Getting there firstest with the mostest.
    -Attributed to a Civil War general who knew the value of railroads.

    I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it.
    -Paul Theroux

    On a train, all things are possible.
    -Another by Paul Theroux

  • Thank you so much! Those are great.
  • Those are great Sask,

    We will add some of the more common ones:

    “With all the whistle and bells”

    “The real McCoy”

    “High ball all the way”


    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

  • My favorite appeared in Trains many years ago. Some guy in Canada ( I think it was Ontario) came around a bend at night and plowed into the side of a freight train that proceeded to drag him in his car for a long distance. I think it could have been as far as forty miles. His comment upon finally getting free unhurt was, "There should have been a sign or something warning people". Definitely understated!
  • I laughed when I heard this one - "There's the right way, and then there's the railway!"
  • I believe David P Morgan's (my all time railfan Hero) favorite quote, can't remember the author, was-"Bless me, this is pleasant, riding the rails." This also qualifies as one of my favorite understataments.