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Colton Crossing

  • Why Union Pacific has the right to get rid of the famous Colton Crossing for a  overpass . Why can't they leave it where it is.

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    I am a man. My name is LaurenFan because I am a fan of Lauren. My name is not Lauren.

  • SPer

    Why Union Pacific has the right to get rid of the famous Colton Crossing for a  overpass . Why can't they leave it where it is.



    "Why The Need To Improve The Crossing?

    As the existing rail lines cross at-grade, continuous movement of trains through Colton Crossing is inhibited, resulting in the idling of trains in the vicinity of Colton Crossing. This delay affects the efficient regional movement of goods to and from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to and from local and regional businesses/industries. Delays also impact passenger train operational efficiency and reliability, and results in community impacts due to blockage of local arterials, noise, and air quality emissions associated with idling trains. To accommodate vital goods movement for California and the nation and support projected growth for years to come, this chokepoint must be addressed."


    Both the rail and road  transportation system will be more efficient ,rail operating cost lowered, and air polution will be reduced.

    I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.

    I don't have a leg to stand on.

  • FYI this topic really belongs on the Trains Magazine - General Discussion forum.

    For future reference, all you might need to know about Colton Crossing and the vicinity has been and will be discussed on the very long 'Sunset Route Double Tracking' topic linked in my signature.

    The railroad to railroad grade separation under construction benefits both the local community and the interstate commerce that the railroads participate in.