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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 13: August 9, 2004

  • Tough decision - two different types of photos, both great in their own right. I went for Erik's moody shot, mostly because it was moody. Mike's is a great shot of a great subject, but it's a shot that we've (and shot ourselves) seen many times before, albeit with a different stage and cast of characters.

    Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) 
    Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you
    My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date
    Come ride the rails with me!
    There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...

  • I voted for Photo 2
  • I think this is the first time I didn't vote for one of Eriks photos! I just think Mike's pic has a lot more goining on, he captured the train at a good angle.
  • I enjoyed both pictures and liked the fact that they were completely different. I voted for Mike's shot and didn't feel there was to much clutter at all. I consider clutter things that are not train related, but when you can see the mile marker, another train, signal light, coal tower, two tracks, etc.... it just adds to the picture. A tight picture of just the train would not been near as effective or as enjoyable.

    Erik's picture showed a lot of creativity and the result was pretty good. It would have been just as easy to vote for this picture. It looks like they are both getting better as this series continues.
  • Help !!! I'm a bit lost as this is my first response to a forum about a competition.
    Although I previously commented on the photos, I'm afraid I might have done everybody a disservice as I know nothing about the backgrounds of the competitors and their photographic experience . Nor do I know the rules they're working by which seems to preclude any enhancements of the photographs.
    Erik's photo would be great if he were allowed to enhance the brightness,contrast and gamma which could be accomplished with the simplest of photo editing software.

    If anybody can tell me how to attach a photo, I'd be glad to show you my enhanced version of Erik's photo.
  • I voted for Eric's picture.I liked the sunset behind the signals,and the train entering the picture at the left side clinched it Awesome shot[:D]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • went with Erik's photo this time because it is different and we don't see to many phots like that, Mikes photo just reminds me of all the other trains phots out their, ther all look the same.
    derailment? what derailment? All reports of derailments are lies. Their are no derailments within a hundreed miles of here.
  • I voted with Mike. Erik's photo appeared very dark to me.
  • This was a tough one! I voted for Erik's. This had to be a hard shot to get, everything had to be in line or this would not have had the same appearance. If it had been minutes later the sun would have been almost gone and the loco would have been gone!! GREAT job Erik!

    LOOK.... LISTEN..... & LIVE.....
  • Terrific shots, and a hard vote for me. Although i've gone with Eric's shots the last several weeks, this week, I just had to choose Mike's. Eric's is a great mood shot, especially with those few clouds and terrific looking sky. Mike's is a great action shot. In fact, the jointed rail picture, with the haze, the faint exhaust from the exhaust stack, the milepost, the acid train in the distance, the green signal, and the coaling tower all make a terrific shot to me. I don't think there is too much action at all. In fact, I love its perfect blend, so this week, I voted for Mike's. They are both great, IMHO!
  • This was really a tough call. I like artistic pictures such as Eric's and also the more straight forward format like Mike's. Overall, I have to go with Mike's as it has that power feel that I personnally prefer. Both of you guy's do great wok. Keep it up.
  • Two very good and very different photo's....

    I like Mike's photo because the mile board is off to the side...

    I always like a good picture of a train with a mile board next to it, it just seems to add a little more reality.
  • Mike's picture is a great catch but like a lot of shots the light just doesn't work for me too much backlighting. Eric's picture shows a lot more optimization of the situation and planning.
  • Sorry Erik - you'd have got it for the shots without the train but I found that a distraction in the final image. Good shots both of you though
  • Wow . . . Toughest vote yet. I like both for different reasons. [tup][tup] I'd be glad to have taken either photo.

    I like several things in Mike's photo. The oncoming engine seeming to dominate the picture, but without being overbearing. The foliage filling the background and the tracks ending in the front right foreground really frame the shot nicely and add to the "power" effect (for me). The retreating train, the signal, milepost, and the coaling tower are bonus aesthetics. Overall, this photo seems to capture many different aspects of railroading. [8]

    Erik's photo is much better than his last one. Like others here, I do like his other photos (with no train in them) as much as the actual competition photo. In the "money shot" I like the "crisp"-ness of the focus (especially that the power lines don't blur into the background on the right), I also like the slight shine on the rail, the "hint" of sunlight shining thru the cab window and over the wheels, as well as the contrast. All combine to make this an outstanding photo. While I don't usually like a photo with so much empty space, the sharp details on the signals and the engine on the left more than make up for the wide expanse of emptiness on the right. A great "Farm Country in the (very) Early Morning" photo.

    I'm not sure why there are 2 halos in Erik's picture (the reddish halo over the right signal and rainbow halo just below that one). I don't care for the red one. Mike's picture seems a little hazy; I like deeper blues (sky) and greens (foliage) but there's not much that can be done about haze . . . or halos . . . without editing. I nearly voted for Mike's picture, but at the last minute changed my mind and went with Erik's (after closer examination of it). It came down to, "Which one would I be most likely to frame and hang on the wall?"

    PS - [2c] I think you guys should start saving photos like these . . . start producing calendars, maybe even publish a book of train photos. [:)]