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So if the post office goes...

  • Under a worst case scenario the US Post Office might could close this winter. If so, how will we get our magazine subscriptions? Voucher's at the newstands? Refunds? Please don't use FedEx, they're such a hassle and cost too much.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

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  • I dont think it will ever go.  Much like the auto industry it will be propped up by the government.  I would anticipate substantial increases in mail service though...much like everything else rising costs will be transfered to the user.

  • There no way the PO will go away, it will just get slower and costlier like everything else

       Have fun with your trains

  • The U.S. Postal Service is a quasi-governmental operation that receives subsidies from Congress, and is under close watch by the Government.  There's no way the U.S. Government (Congress) is going to allow it to close up because free mailing privileges of campaign literature is one of Congress' most used and abused benefits.

  • ironhorseman
    Under a worst case scenario the US Post Office might could close this winter. If so, how will we get our magazine subscriptions? Voucher's at the newstands? Refunds? Please don't use FedEx, they're such a hassle and cost too much.

    Sounds like you've been listening to the news, which should be taken with a boxcar full of salt!

    Yes, I've heard of the US Post Office closing hundreds of podunk offices - it's true the PO is burning far more cash than they are bringing in and just like the railroads having to close un profitable branchlines, it looks like the US Post Office is being forced to do the same thing.  I think the closure if the US Post office is very unlikely as an entitty for years to come.  The gov will, at the last minute, after much political wrangling, vote to fund it for another x amount of months yada yada, while they continue to close tiny offices out in the middle of no where.

    Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983

  • Worst case scenario I've heard is they may eliminate Saturday delivery, going from a six-day to five-day work week.  

  • The local post office in my community of 25,000 people was closed some years ago, but this had no effect on the delivery of our mail. The only thing is I now have to drive 15 miles to buy a few stamps.

  • Don't get too worked up about things on the news. They often talk about terrible things that MIGHT happen if this or that happens, but it often never comes to pass. I work for my state's Dept. of Revenue, and if there's a story on the six o'clock news with a state legislator saying he was considering maybe introducing a bill to create a new income tax credit, we get calls the next day from people asking how they sign up to get 'their money'.


  • riogrande5761
    it's true the PO is burning far more cash than they are bringing in

    That's because in 2006 the GOPers in congress decided to saddle the USPS with the ridiculous requirement that it must fund its retiree health benefit obligations for the next 75 years, but gave it only 10 years to do it.   This is like telling a 25-year-old that he has only the next 5 years to fully fund his retirement account.   He'll have to put every penny he makes into the retirement account and all his day-to-day bills will have to be taken on as debt.   The post office was running a profit up to and including 2006.   As soon as this stupid law took effect it started running up  debt.

    Do a google search on the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.

    Also, whenever I hear people talk about how much more efficient FedEx and UPS are, I always point out that those two companies often use the USPS to deliver their packages to remote places.   If the USPS goes belly up, then FedEx and UPS are gonna be in trouble.

    Steve S