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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 12: July 26, 2004

  • In our online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share their photo results with you. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.

    Please vote and then share your comments.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • Ahhhh, Photo 2! Three different Locomotives, 2 paint jobs, by a pond; dull? First glance, yes. But look again?the reflection in the pond?especially in the smaller picture; straight up, just some diesels, but the reflection looks like a cloud of black smoke pouring from some mighty coal-burner from the past. What a grabber! Did you notice the opportunity and wait for it, or did you just think it was some diesels in Wisconsin countryside? Either way, Neat-O!
    regards, TheTonster
  • Hey guys, this box does funny thing to my typing. I used ASCII code (in windows ALT-0151) to get long dashes. It shows up as a pair of question marks, which wasn't at all what I sent or meant. The first & last q-marks were intended, but not the ones in the middle. TheTonster
  • I think this time its a no brainer. Deffently photo #2. In photo number one you cant see to much...only the front of a BNSF widecab. But in photo number two you can see the power of the train.
  • eh i like them both for different reasons! no vote :-(
  • I voted for # 2 but # 1 is the kind I like to shoot when on asignment, I would like to vote for both as they are both outstanding in my book. But in only two pictures there has to a winner and a loser.
  • Hi! It is tough this time but I think, I like # 1 better. The reflection in the second pictures is great, did it just happen and you realized it afterwards or did you plan it beforehand? The only thing it would take to make it a perfect picture would be a smoother water surface and no island in the middle. I like the first pictures better because I know how hard it is to shot a picture at sunset without having only a white spot in the middle and everything else black around.

  • Photo 1 this time. A strong shot showing the strong outline of a loco's front. Could be at rest or moving.
    Photo 2 has too much countryside for my liking but it sets a bit of a scene for where the railroad is operating. It is unfortunate that the water surface was disturbed by wind and the island of grass to prevent a good reflection.

    StephenDx: Computers and trains are my greatest interestsWhistling GMT +12hrs (+13 in summer)

  • I have to go with the minority and Photo #1. It's a very artistic composition whether one likes trains or not. Photo #2 has potential but the train is nearly lost in the background. Take away the water and it would be just another snapshot. The island doesn't help.
  • It was hard to pick one photo over the other, because the subject was completely different. Yes they were both locomotive shots, but that was about it. I voted for #1, because of its artistic appeal. I could hang #1 on the wall in the living room and it would appeal to anyone .
  • While I greatly appreciated the beauty of Photo 1, as a big fan of CN I was drawn more to the 3 engines of Photo 2. I also liked the reflection of the engines in the water beside the tracks. Tough choice this week but I finally decided to vote for Photo 2.
  • I voted for number 2 because of the total content. I almost voted for number 1 but it would have been better with a setting sun rather than high in the sky.
  • Photo 2, something just doesn't look right with #1.
  • OK this was really tough. Both photos have great artistic components. So I had to vote for #1. I really could see this photo on the wall or my computer wallpaper. Keep up the good work!!!
    Whoever said you cannot buy happiness forgot about puppies!
  • I also am going with the minority. No.1 is is a most powerful photo and makes a statement. As one reader said, you can hang it in your living room and it will appeal to anyone whether they like trains or not.