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Montana Western Railway.....

  • I spent part of my youth in the north country, and remember a rail operation between Butte, Silver Bow, and Garrison, Montana that was bought out by the GN (I think that happened in the early 1950's....). I have un-earthed photo's of one of their steam locomotives, and a "gas-electric" that was part of their power roster but there the trail ends. I have done internet searches, and have written the Univ. of Montana Library (photo, and text archives) but again, no score...

    Does anyone out there remember anything about this line, or have an info source you can direct me to ? If so, it will be much appreciated.

    Bob / IronGoat
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  • The GN took over part of it; what they didn't want was pulled up. The EMC-built gas electric was saved; I've seen photos of it in a museum...Mid-Continent in Wisconsin? I'm not sure, but in nice shape.
  • skeets,

    Thanks for the "come-back" on the MWRy... I have also seen the photo's of that gas-electric (#31), but more recently I have come across a photo of a 2-8-0 bearing "MWRy" markings and inventory "#5". It is listed as having been purchased from the GN (former GN # 544), and the photo was taken in Great Falls, MT on 9/18/51. I have been told that they had a total of 3 steam locomotives, two gas-electric's, and one gas car (the gas car is reported to have operated between Conrad and Valier, MT. in the early 1940's).

    I want to see if I can find more information on the "steam" locomotives used by the MW Railway, but it is tough sledding and slow going... but I guess that is part of the FUN !

    Thanks again, Bob / IronGoat
  • The MW operated between Conrad and Valier, MT and was purchased by the BN in 1970, I believe...around the GN-NP-CB&Q-SP&S merger. The track's still in place and the MW operates today as a BNSF branch.

    The MW operated a mixed train well into the 1960s, connecting with the GN Great Falls-Shelby service at Conrad. Between tours in Vietnam, a friend went to Conrad hoping to ride the diesel-powered mixed (I believe a 44t GE did the honors). He presented himself to the ticket agent at Conrad and asked to buy a ticket. The agent said the mixed had been discontinued a month earlier. Long-faced, the visiting railfan shrugged and said he'd come all this way just to ride. Undaunted, the agent made a few phone calls, arranged for a MW speeder to transport the visiting fan to Valier for overnight accomodation at a trackside hotel. The next morning, just for this visiting soldier/railfan, MW grabbed the old combine, tacked it on the rear of the morning train to Conrad and recreated the mixed train so the visitor wouldn't leave disappointed. He survived his second tour in Vietnam and, ever since, has a great story to tell about the good folks of the Montana Western Railway.